In harmony with God, we care for the world and praise God with our own song of joy and love.
En armonía con Dios, cuidamos por el mundo con nuestro canto de alegría y amor.

Tonight’s the Night! Hoping to see you all here. Curriculum Night begins in the chapel at 7pm. Staff members will be introduced, and then you will hear some tips on how to use My Student’s Progress, a web based service that allows parents/guardians online access to their student’s assignments, grades, and activities from any computer with a connection to the internet.

We will walk over to the school together, so you can start your day with your “class”. Curriculum Night is the time for you to experience a bit of what your child experiences each day and to find out what will be covered in the curriculum and teacher expectations. You don’t want to miss it. At the end of the night (about 8:30pm), you will be given a Non-Uniform Pass…give it to your child, and they may be out of uniform on Friday.

Due to Curriculum Night, there is No Extended Day.

Esta es la noche! Esperamos su presencia. La noche de curiculo comienza en la capilla a las 19:00. El equipo introducirá y entonces va a oir algas sugerencias para usar “Informe de progreso de su estudiante, a”web” servicio que da la oportunidad a los padres/cuidadores para mirar la tarea, notas y actividades de alga computadora que tiene internet.

Vamos de la capilla a la escuela juntos para comenzar su dia con su clase. Esta noche es un tiempo que da la oportunidad a experiencia que su niño/a hace y material de todas las clases. También aprenderá las expectaciones de la maestro/a. Cerca 20:30 termináramos recibirá un permiso para su niño/a no usa uniforma el viernes.

As part of your commitment to Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School, this year we are asking you to volunteer your “time, talents, or treasure”. There will be sign-up sheets in each homeroom on Curriculum Night. We need help in the following areas: building and grounds (maintenance/care), school cleaning, working in the classroom, working in the office, Annual Fund Drive, Annual Benefit Dinner, and/or any additional ways you feel can help. Our goal is to have all families involved. Please look at what you can do to make our school even stronger. We need you!

De parte de su compromiso a Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School, este ano pedimos que voluntaria su “tiempo, talento o tesoro”. Esta noche hay papelas en cada clase. Necesitamos ayuda en manteamiento de escuela y propiedad, limpieza en la escuela, ayuda en clases o oficina, Cena por el Beneficio de Escuela u otra manera puede ofrecer su ayuda. Nuestra meta es que todas las familias participar. Por favor ayuda para una escuela fuerte.

Our first Mass for the year will be Friday, September 5, at 8:30a.m. in the chapel. This is our Opening Mass; classes will walk in with their Peace Flags. You are welcome to join us for this Mass, as well as all Masses held throughout the year. Ordinarily, our Masses are every Friday at 8:30a.m. Please check the calendar for any alternate dates.

La primera misa este ano es el viernes el 5 de septiembre a las 8:30 en la capilla. Este es un Misa especial con clases en procesión con banderas de la paz. Los padres están invitados este dia y todos días de Misa durante el ano.

Don’t forget to complete the application for free/reduced meals and return it as soon as possible. The deadline for the application is Monday, September 8. Please note that failure to return a completed application form will result in full payment of meals.

No olvida a cumplir la aplicación para gratis o reducido comida y envía a la escuela pronto. El ultimo dia es el lunes el 8 de septiembre. Si no envía, necesitan pagar total.

The staff meeting for September will be held on Friday, September 19. There will be No School that day due to staff members participating in Professional Learning Teams with five other area schools.

El equipo va a tener una reunión el 19cde Septiembre. Las Maestras/os encontremos con maestros/as de cinco otras escuelas. No hay clases.