We are Children of The Way.

Tomorrow is our first Peacemaker Activity of the year. Students who were peacemakers during August (no Orange WIN slips!) will attend a Peacemaker Activity on Friday, August 28, at 2pm.  Ice Cream Sundaes and some outdoor time are part of the plan!  Peacemakers may also be out of uniform that day.  Please check the handbook for appropriate clothing on Non-uniform Days (p.23 of Parent/Guardian/Student Handbook).

Don’t forget to complete the application for free/reduced meals and return it as soon as possible. The deadline for the application is Friday, September 4. Please note that failure to return a completed application form will result in full payment of meals.

Some parents/guardians are contemplating suing the District if they continue to deny bus transportation to their children.  If you would be interested in possibly pursuing this option, please call Ms. Francine at 618-397-0316, and let us know as soon as possible.

Please plan to join us for Curriculum Night on Thursday, September 3, from 7:00p.m.-8:30p.m.  This is a night for Parents/Guardians only, and we ask that children not attend this event.  We will do our best to start and end on time.  Please plan to stay for the entire presentation.

We will begin in our school chapel (located next to the school) and have the second part of the evening in the school building.  You will have the opportunity to hear about our school, experience some of the schedule of a “mini-school day”, and receive information from your child’s teachers about the curriculum for this new school year.  As a part of our Family University, Judge Wharton will be our keynote speaker.

Our first Mass for the year will be Friday, September 4, at 8:30a.m. in the chapel.  This is our Opening Mass; classes will walk in with their Peace Flags. You are welcome to join us for this Mass, as well as all Masses held throughout the year.  Ordinarily, our Masses are every Friday at 8:30a.m.  Please check the calendar for any alternate dates.

There will be NO SCHOOL on Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 7.  School will resume on Tuesday, Sept. 8.