The Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School 8th Grade Class answered the call from Catholic Urban Programs (CUP) to support their Thanksgiving Can Food Drive to support local families in need. They inspired the students and families of the school each day to “Have a Heart” and donate “Three Cans” each to make a goal of 500 cans. In less than two weeks time the 8th Grade Class had collected over 750 cans of food for those less fortunate families in their community. The students proudly brought cans to the altar during the Tuesday Thanksgiving Mass at the school, to serve as an offering and to say thank you to God for the many gifts they have in life.

The cans were then loaded in a pick-up truck and brought to CUP, so they can fill the food pantry shelves in time for distribution to local families. The students learned a valuable lesson about giving from their need, as they know that they are called always to share their gifts generously.


8th grade students loading the canned goods into the pick-up for delivery


cans at the altar, and students bringing up more to donate

cans at the altar, and students bringing up more to donate