Dear Virtual Auction Attendees,


We hope you had fun participating in and enjoyed watching the auction.  Your support for our students was incredible!

The Mega Raffle, Gift Card Raffle and Attendance Prize Drawings will be held tomorrow, Tuesday, March 24 – we will notify the winners immediately following the drawings  – Good Luck!

Relative to pick-up and delivery of auction items –

Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School will abide by Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s issued – “stay-at-home” order for the state through Saturday, April 7. Similar restrictions will be instituted in Missouri this evening.

What this means is that we are unable to distribute items at this time, and we will hold all auction items until after the stay-at-home restrictions are lifted.

We understand that you may be disappointed that you are unable to receive your item(s) right away; however, the health and safety of our supporters, staff and families are our main priority.

We will keep you updated should we receive any new information. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If this poses any unforeseen issues, please let us know by responding to this email.

We will provide additional information on when and how we will distribute auction items as quickly as possible, (once the restrictions are lifted).

We have also heard from many of you that with the excitement of winning those last few auction items, you were unable to choose one of the “Each One Teach One – Fund-A-Need”levels. If you were still planning to give, please go to our website  and choose “Donate Now”.

Thank you for all of your continued support in these difficult times.

Please stay safe – We look forward to seeing you soon!

Abundant blessings,

The Benefit Dinner Committee and Staff


Enjoy watching the video!