Christ has risen. Alleluia!


We look forward to seeing you and your family and friends at our annual Spring Concert this Sunday, April 24, at 3:00p.m., in our school chapel.  Students should arrive at the chapel no later than 2:40p.m., dressed in plain white shirts/blouses and dark slacks and dark shoes.  No jeans or tennis shoes, please.  Jewelry is limited to stud earrings and a plain wristwatch. This is a required event for your child. Thank you for your cooperation!  There will be no school on Monday, April 25, in celebration of our Spring Concert.  School will resume on Tuesday, April 26.


Fourth quarter midterm is Friday, April 22. Progress reports will be sent home with your child on Friday, April 29.  Please note that all outstanding balances for tuition, meals, Extended Day, and Benefit Dinner must be paid in order for this report to be sent.  Please contact the school office for more information.


Thanks to those of you who have returned your registration forms and fee.  It is important that current families recognize that the registration fee will become $100 per student after Friday, April 29.  Registration is not considered complete until all forms and required documents are filled out and returned with the fee. Tuition assistance is available to our returning families first, then new families. You will need to apply through SMART Tuition Aid.  The sooner you return your registration packet and register online, the better chance you have of receiving tuition assistance. Please call if you need help accessing the computer. Our computer lab is open on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, and Ms. Harriel will be available to assist you. We would love to see 100% of our students return for another great school year.


Mass this week is on Friday, April 22 and will be led by the Kindergarten class.


Eighth graders are heading to Chicago on Wednesday, April 27, very early in the morning. They will take the Mega-bus and spend the day exploring all that the “Windy City” has to offer. Pray for traveling mercies.


And not quite so far from home, the kindergarteners will join with other area Catholic Schools on Friday, April 29, to spend a day at the park getting to know each other.

22 de abril de2016
“Somos niños/as del camino, la verdad y la vida.”

Concierto de Primavera: El domingo, el 24 de abril es la fecha del Concierto de Primavera. Los estudiantes necesitan llegar al menos a las 14:40pm a la capilla, con camisas/blusas blancas, pantalones de color obscuro y zapatos de color obscuro. No tenis o pantalones de mezclilla. De joyería solo aretes pequeños y reloj de mano color negro si se desea. Esto se requiere para todos los eventos. Gracias por cooperar!

No habrá clases el lunes 25 de abril

MITAD DE CICLO ESCOLAR. Es este 22 de abril. Se te enviaran las boletas de calificación el viernes 29.Si no has pagado la mensualidad, o comida o cases extendidas por favor paga primero de lo contrario no se te enviaran los reportes de tus hijos. Llama a la oficina para más información.

FORMAS DE REGISTRO PARA 2016-2017. Agradecemos a quienes hayan completado el registro para el siguiente ciclo escolar, ya saben quieres lo hagan antes del 29 de abril pagaran solo $50, luego de esta fecha serán $100. El registro no estará completo hasta que no hayas pagado la inscripción en la oficina. Hay ayuda económica pero ocupas hacerlo pronto para poder acceder a ella. Si ocupas ayuda para hacer tu pedido de ayuda por computadora solo dínoslo. Nos encantaría tener a tu hijo de nuevo el próximo ciclo escolar.

Misa: La Misa es viernes, 22 de abril preparado por Clase Kinder.

Chicago: Los estudiantes de octavo vana Chicago para un día de aventura. Ora para un buen viaje.

Everett Moody Parque: Los estudiantes de Kinder van más cerca a parque con estudiantes de cinco otras escuelas.