Joy is the echo of God’s life within us.
La alegría es el eco de la vida de Dios en nosotros.

It was good to see you at the Spring Concert! We heard a lot of compliments about how well-disciplined and focused the students were and how the program continues to grow stronger and change every year! Thanks for inviting your family and friends to this annual celebration!

Spread the word…Sister Thea Bowman is the place to be if you want to see how amazing our students truly are!

¡Fue bueno a encuentre Ustedes en la Festival de la Primavera! Escuchemos muchas buenas cosas sobre los estudiantes—su talento, su enfoque, su comportamiento. Cada ano el programa manifestó más talento de parto de los niños. Gracias para invitaron sus familias y amigos.

Fourth quarter midterm is Thursday, April 23. Progress reports will be sent home with your child on Friday, May 1. Please note that all outstanding balances for tuition, meals, Extended Day, and Benefit Dinner must be paid in order for this report to be sent. Please contact the school office for more information.

El fin de medio cuarto es jueves, el 23 de abril. Notas enviaran con su estudiante el viernes, 1 de mayo. Nota que todos de mensualidad, comida, Día Extendido y Cena de Beneficio necesitan pagar. Contacta la oficina si necesita más información.

Thanks to those of you who have returned your registration forms and fee. It is important that current families recognize that the registration fee is now $100 per student. It is assumed that current families have already requested tuition assistance for 2015-2016. The assistance will now be allocated to new families.

***If you know of anyone interested in attending in the fall, please have them call the office, and we will arrange an initial meeting.

Gracias a las familias que inscriban. Es muy importante a entender que la inscripción
AHORA ES $100.00 PARA CADA ESTUDIANTE. Pienso que las familias aplican para asistencia para mensualidad para 2015 – 2016. Ahora, también, la asistencia están para familias nuevas.

Mass this week is on Thursday, April 23, and will be led by Kindergarten. This is their first time to be Mass leaders. Know that you are always welcomed to come and celebrate with us.

La Misa está preparada por Kinder. ¡Bienvenidos a todos!

There will be no classes Friday, April 24, due to a morning Staff meeting and an afternoon Professional Learning Communities meeting.

No hay clases el viernes el 24 de abril por qué tenemos reunión del equipo en la mañana y reunión de maetros de seis escuelas.

Students in Grades 6-8 will participate in a ballroom dance competition with their classmates on Thursday, May 7, at 10:00a.m. in our school chapel. Members of the St. Louis Ballroom Dance Competition will be here to judge the event. You are welcome to come to cheer on your favorite dancer!

Estudiantes de clases 6 – 8 participaran en un Competición de danzas de Salón con sus compañones el jueves el 7 de mayo en nuestra capela. Miembros del grupo San Luis Danzas de Salón van a juzgar el evento. Están invitados.