“I am the way, the truth, and the life.” John 14:5-6

We are delighted to begin another year and to have you and your family as part of our school community. It was wonderful to see so many of you at the Ice Cream Social. We look forward to continuing our partnership with you in providing a quality Catholic education for your child!


Latest update
District 189 informed us last Monday that they would not be busing our students this year. After getting Land of Lincoln involved, we have now been told that they will bus our students but that the parents/guardians need to set up the information by calling the District office. So this is what needs to happen: if your child/children need busing, you need to call Yvonne Jackson at 618-646-3081. Let her know that your child goes to Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School and that you need busing. They will ask for your address. If you are on an existing bus line, you will be given a time and a bus stop for your child. Ask about how your child will get home. We hope that they will be cooperative; please call Ms. Francine and give the information to her, so we know which children are being bussed. Thank you. We truly understand that this may make getting your students here more difficult for you. Another possibility is to try talking to other families and work out the possibility of carpooling with families near you. Thank you for your patience and understanding.


Students are dismissed at 3:30pm. Kindergarten through fourth grade will dismiss from the front of the school while the older students in grades 5-8 will dismiss from the back. Know that students are always supervised by staff members and they are not allowed to cross the street if you park across from the school. Your child’s safety is top priority for the STBCS community.


Thank you for returning the signed Handbook Verification and Internet Use forms that were due on the first day of school. (They were included in the packet that was sent in the mail the end of June.) If you still need any of this information, please contact the office.


Don’t forget to complete the application for free/reduced meals and return it as soon as possible. The deadline for the application is Friday, September 4. Please note that failure to return a completed application form will result in full payment of meals.


As you are aware from the handbook, we have an Extended Day program for students in grades K-8. This optional program runs Monday through Friday from 3:30pm-5:00pm. In order to make sure we are prepared for your child, please take time to review and sign the registration form, and return it with the fee tomorrow.


Ordinarily, our first peacemaker activity for the year is at the end of September. As a special incentive, students who are peacemakers during August (no Orange WIN slips!) will attend a Peacemaker Activity on Friday, August 28, at 2pm. Ice cream might be involved!


Our first Mass for the year will be Friday, September 4, at 8:30a.m. in the chapel. You are welcome to join us for this Mass, as well as all Masses held throughout the year. Ordinarily, our Masses are every Friday at 8:30a.m. Please check the calendar for any alternate dates.


There will be NO SCHOOL on Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 7. School will resume on Tuesday, Sept. 8.