Know that joy blooms where minds and hearts are open.

This year’s theme is “Seek Joy”…in first, Jesus, then, Others, and lastly, Yourself…JOY. A thought for family discussion: what’s the difference between happiness and joy? If you would like to share your thoughts, please email me at I would love to hear your ideas!

En este ano nuestra tema es”Busque para la alegria” primera en Jesus, entonces otros y uultimente su misma persona.Si quiere compartir sus pensamientes envia a e-mail

We have had an exceptional start to the new school year. Thank you for doing your part in making sure your child is here every day and ready to learn. We look forward to continuing our partnership with you in providing a quality Catholic education for your child.

El comienzo de este ano escolar estaba marviosa. Gracias para su interes en su nino o nina y su preparacion con sus ninos para este ano. Esperamos que continue durante todo el ano.

Ordinarily, our first peacemaker activity for the year is at the end of September. As a special incentive, students who are peacemakers during August (no Orange WIN slips!) will attend a Peacemaker Activity on Friday, August 29, at 2pm. Ice cream might be involved! Peacemakers may also be out of uniform that day. Please check the handbook for appropriate clothing on Non-uniform Days (p.23 of Parent/Guardian/Student Handbook).

En otros anos la persona de la paz fue el termino de septiembre pero este ano es el Viernes, 29 de Agosto a las 14:00. Talvez hay helado. Estudientes de la paz no necesitan usar sus uniformes. De
fafvor, cheque el libro de reglas (p. 23) para ropa apropiada.

Morning drop off is going quite well, but there is still some confusion about afternoon pick up. If your student is in Kindergarten through fourth grade, you will pick them up at the front of the school. Students in grades 5-8 will meet their rides at the back of school unless they have family members in the younger grades; they then may go out front to meet their ride. When picking up at the front, you must pull into a parking slot. Do not have your child cross the road to come to your car. Also, if you go around the back, wait for your child to come to you and then continue to drive toward the graveyard and around the side of the cafeteria/chapel as you exit onto Church Lane. Do not go against traffic. Your child’s safety is our top priority. Thank you.

En la manana los padres que trajan sus nero para recojar sus ninos en la tarde usan estas direcciones:
Estudientes de Kinder hasta cuarto salen de puerta en fronte de la escuala. Estudientes de quinto hasta octavo salen de puerta atras la escuala si no tiene estudiantes en K-4. Cuando recojer estudientes en fronte de la escuela, necesita tomar una lugar marcado y espera sus favor, nota coche. Tambien si pasa atras, espera para su estudiente hasta llegue al coche y continua manajar in direccion del cemeterio y pasa la cafeteria cuando entra Church Lane.

Don’t forget to complete the application for free/reduced meals and return it as soon as possible. The deadline for the application is Monday, September 8. Please note that failure to return a completed application form will result in full payment of meals.

No olvida cumplir la aplicacion para almuerzo gratis o reducido y envia pronto. La ultima feche es 8. Por favor, nota que si no envia formulary, perde esta servicio.

We look forward to seeing you at our Curriculum Night on Thursday, September 4, from 7:00p.m to 8:30p.m. Please help us plan by completing and returning the form.

Con mucha alegria esperamos su visita aqui el 5 de septiembre a las 19:00-20:30 para un tiempo de curriculum. Returno el formulio que es ien esta carta.

Our first Mass for the year will be Friday, September 5, at 8:30a.m. in the chapel. This is our Opening Mass; classes will walk in with their Peace Flags. You are welcome to join us for this Mass, as well as all Masses held throughout the year. Ordinarily, our Masses are every Friday at 8:30a.m. Please check the calendar for any alternate dates.

Nuestra primera Misa es el Viernes, 8 de septiembre a las 8:30. Todos estas invitado. Los estudientes vay traer banderas de la paz. Mira el calendario para la fechas de las Misas.

There will be NO SCHOOL on Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 1. School will resume on Tuesday, Sept. 2.

No hay clases lunes, el primero de septiembre. Clases 2 de septiembre.