We opened the school year with joy for having our staff back at school and about 30 students in our Learning Center, but we also felt an emptiness as we missed so many students enrolled in remote learning. We continually pray for a decline and final end to this pandemic, so we can have all students and staff back in school, but for now, we will be grateful that we have you all here, there, and everywhere!


Our Theme this year is: “We Walk By Faith, Not By Sight” From 2 Cor 5:7.  As we went through the end of last school year, and the summer, making, changing, and adapting school reopen plans, it just seemed appropriate to give it back to God, and to start to let God’s hand guide us. We are not always knowing the plan God has, but we can have Faith in Him!


Each Thursday, except this week, you will receive a VIRTUAL Thursday envelope with important information through Option C. Please read the enclosed information and send any questions to info@srthea.org, or call the office. Remember, we have two office lines: 618 397-0316 or 618 397-4926.


In-person students: arrive from 7:15 – 7:35 for breakfast, or by 7:50 if not eating breakfast.

Remote students: Log in for your homeroom class by 7:55.


All parents/guardians of in-person students must register on the MIINEHEALTH app. Students must be cleared before they arrive at school each day starting Monday. Several messages and info has been sent. Call office for questions.


Attendance, including Tardy Counts, will start Monday. Students must be on time and in each session. If a student has an issue, the parent/guardian should send the teacher a message and contact the office.

While we have not worked through all technical issues, we should be close as you have access to the student schedules, Zoom information, and contact information for teachers.


Monday through Friday: In-person students need to be picked up by 3:35. They are at the front of the school by about 3:25 each day. Remote students will finish about 3 PM as listed in class schedules.


In-person students must follow student handbook uniform rules. Remote students must wear a uniform shirt or Sister Thea Sweatshirt.


Don’t forget to complete the application for free/reduced meals and return it as soon as possible. The deadline for the application is Tuesday, September 1.  This is required for all students, so we can continue to receive Federal $$.


All families must be enrolled in FACTS by Wed, Aug 26. Students will not be allowed in class if this is not done. For questions, contact the office or go to: https://online.factsmgt.com/signin/42LK1 .


There will be NO SCHOOL on Labor Day, Monday, Sep. 7.  School will resume on Tuesday, Sept. 8.


We received a generous donation of milk crates, and we bought some liners. In-school students will get theirs for school use, and for remote students, please come to the school to pick one up. We want students to keep all of their school supplies, books, Chromebook, etc in a crate to stay organized. Decorate the crates and send a picture to info@srthea.org , and you may win a prize!!!

ZOOM ETIQUETTE : Please review these important rules with your students!!!


Each Homeroom teacher will host an evening Office Hours weekly, so parents/guardians can ask questions, seek help, or just discuss information with the teacher. Please be sure to attend to keep communication open!



26 FACTS Tuition Registration Due


1 Free / Reduced Lunch Worksheet Due

7 Labor Day. No School

11 Mass 2:00 PM (Staff Leads); First Quarter Mid-Term

17 First Qtr Mid Terms Issued

18 Pinwheels for Peace Project; Mass 2:00 PM (Staff Leads)

25         Mass 2:00 PM (Staff Leads)

30         Iowa Assessment Begins


LIKE our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/theabowmanschool  or our web page at stbcs.com.

If our first line (618) 397-0316 is busy, try our second line (618) 397-4926!