On Our Way

Thank You God for leading us into our second week, and Thank You God for making our students bright lights of Your Love in our school. Please talk with your children about how they are carrying God’s Light to Others. Maybe it is being nice to a brother or sister, helping at home, or singing joyfully at Church.


The students are really settling into the school year nicely as they adjust to new faces, new routines, and new school lessons. Please ask them each day, “What are two things you learned today?” This will help them focus on school lessons, and it will help you to start a discussion about school and their education.


On Saturday, August 27 from 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM, we will be doing a school clean-up day.  We will have 20 McKendree University students joining us, so we would like families and students to come out and lend a hand to make the load light and fun at the same time. Please bring tools to clean and spruce up the grounds including shovels, rakes, tree clippers, old screwdrivers or weed pullers, etc. You may want to bring water, hats and gloves as well.

Come out and make YOUR school look great!!!


I cannot stress enough how important it is for your student to meet me at the door by 7:45.

After entering the building, students:

1) Put away books, book bags, coats, etc.

2) Line up in the class to go to prayer;

3) Start prayer at 8:00 AM sharp.

If your student arrives after 7:50, then they, and the rest of the students, are rushed to get to prayer.

Please adjust your schedule if necessary for a 7:45 or earlier arrival, so we can start the day off right.


Parents or guardians of students that arrive after 8:00 enter through the East Door to avoid interrupting prayer. The family member will be asked to fill out a form explaining the reason the student is late. This will help us to make a plan to get students to school on time.  Every student’s education is as important to us as it is to you, so please work with us to get them here by 7:45 AM.

Some hints:  1) Put together uniform, backpack and lunch the night before.

2) Make a morning schedule or checklist to get out the door on time.

3) Wake up 10 minutes earlier.

4) If all else fails, buy a REALLY BIG and LOUD alarm clock…just kidding.


The students are doing great this week. Slight issues are socks, which must be white, and shirts that need to be white, red, black, or hunter green polo shirts.  Also, be sure that any new hair styles or hair-cuts meet the uniform standard.


We need your signed Handbook Verification and Internet Use forms. We will send home additional forms for those that are missing them.


Don’t forget to complete the application for free/reduced meals and return it as soon as possible. The deadline for the application is Friday, September 2. Please note that failure to return a completed application form will result in full priced meals.


If you have not returned the Curriculum Night sign-up form sent home last week, please sign and return it.  Curriculum Night is September 8, 7:00 – 8:30 PM. It is for Parents and Guardians only, not students. We look forward to introducing you to teachers and a day-in-the-life of our students.


Our Extended Day program began this week. We had theatre Wednesday and Thursday, and we start Robotics and Chess after Labor Day. The Extended Day program runs for 6 weeks for students in grades K-8 program runs Monday through Friday from 3:30pm-5:00pm. If you are still interested, please contact the office for a form.


Ordinarily, our first peacemaker activity for the year is at the end of September.  As a special incentive, students who are Peacemakers during August (no major discipline issues) will attend a Peacemaker Activity on Wednesday, August 31, at 2pm.   Ice cream might be involved!


Our first Mass for the year will be Friday, September 9, at 8:30a.m. in the chapel.  You are welcome to join us for this Mass, as well as all Masses held throughout the year.  Ordinarily, our Masses are every Friday at 8:30a.m.  Please check the calendar for any alternate dates.


There will be NO SCHOOL on Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 5.  School will resume on Tuesday, Sept. 6.