The liturgical calendar doesn’t mix Advent, the season of preparation, with Christmas, the season of play, but the work and the play both bring joy.  The anticipation during Advent is sweet. Our preparations can be emblems of the yearlong work we must do, in reflection of the season’s scriptures, to “beat swords into plowshares,” to clothe one another in “the garments of justice and mercy,” to wait patiently for the Lord’s peaceable kingdom.  In this kingdom, according to the prophet Isaiah, the wolf will be the guest of the lamb, the baby will play safely with the cobra, the ox will share its hay with the lion – and the lion will be completely contented with its vegetarian meal!

School Year / Church Year

Some important dates:

  • December 21………………….Advent Prayer Service
  • December 22………………….½ Day / 12:30 Dismissal
  • December 23 – January 3……..Christmas Break
  • January 4………………..……Students Return
  • January 17……………………Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (No School)

For Your Information:

  1. In this week’s Thursday Envelopes, you will find a sealed envelope which contains two tickets for next week’s Advent Prayer Service.  If you have multiple children in school here, we have placed the tickets in your oldest child’s envelope.
  2. A few announcements as it pertains to our Advent Prayer Service:
    • Students will need to arrive at school that evening at 6:30 PM
    • Students need to be dressed appropriately (white button down shirt, black pants, etc.)
    • Advent Prayer Service is mandatory for all students.
  3. There will be no Extended Day nor Access Academy next week on Tuesday, December 21 or Wednesday, December 22.
  4. One more time this week, we have included the flyer about No School Announcements for Inclement Weather as well as Permission forms for Extended Day Session 4.  Extended Day Session 4 will begin on January 4.  (Students return to school).
  5. We have also included again the flyers for our upcoming Trivia Night  & Open House, as well as another permission slip for Extended Day.

**Due to our shortened week next week, we will not be sending home our regular Thursday envelopes.  Be on the lookout for an email with any important information.