The Roman martyrology – the lists of martyrs and the anniversaries of their deaths – tells about two Saint Valentines, both martyred around the year 269.   One of them may have been the bishop of Terni in Italy and the other a priest in Rome.  A legend says that the priest sent letters of encouragement to people who lived in fear of persecution.  The legend is meant to explain why people send valentines in his name.

Another explanation for the custom of sending valentines is that people noticed that in mid-February birds begin returning from their winter nesting sites and then choose mates for the springtime.  All that raucous singing of birds is a method of claiming nesting territory.  So the day was regarded as the perfect day to choose a sweetheart.

Some important dates:

  • February 18 – NO SCHOOL
  • February 21 – NO SCHOOL

For Your Information: 

  1. If you have received a progress report for mid-3rd quarter in the this Thursday envelope, it is because your student is receiving a D or F in a core class (Math, Science, E/LA, Social Studies).   If this is the case, please email your student’s teacher at your convenience to discuss what can be done to better the grades.
  2. We were originally scheduled to have a Sister Thea Bowman Open House for current and prospective students on Tuesday, February 1.   Yet, because of COVID, we are trying to limit the number of outside individuals into our building.   We are tentatively planning on having our Open House / STEM Night on April 7.
  3. If you haven’t already, please continue to visit our Facebook page as we continue to recognize some of the great accomplishments of our students, daily “happenings”, and other pertinent information.
  4. In this week’s Thursday envelopes, we have included step-by-step directions in our FACTS system to print out your family’s tax information for upcoming tax season.
  5. Please make sure you remind your students about our dress code.   Black or white shoes and a belt seems to be an issue frequently.   Thanks for your support!