We need joy as we need air.
We need love as we need water.
We need each other as we need the earth to share.

Maya Angelou


I want to thank all of you: students, staff, and parents/guardians for your prayers for my family. My mother passed last Thursday, February 12, at the age of 92. Her life was filled with the raising of 10 children and her deep faith in Jesus Christ. She has gone on to be with my dad and many family members in the glory of the Lord. I truly felt during my time in Michigan the love and support of my STBCS family. The students have been so kind on my return, giving me cards and hugs. I know why I teach in a Catholic school-God is allowed into all we do and say. One fifth grade student empathized with my loss: I am sorry for the loss of your mother. I went through it but be strong, trust God, and you can do it. (Antowan Chairs) Blessings, Antowan, and all who sent prayers my way. God will help us through; my mother’s faith is alive in me.  Ms. Mary


Lent began Wednesday with the celebration of Mass and the blessing of ashes which were then placed on our foreheads in the sign of the cross. This is a sign that we are Christians and are entering a holy season of preparation for Easter. During Lent we will focus on prayer, almsgiving, and fasting. Students wrote out their intentions for the season and placed them in a basket. Ask them what they will do during this holy season to prepare themselves for Christ’s resurrection?


Three weeks and counting!

Thanks to those of you who returned your money for the two tickets for the March 14th Annual Benefit Dinner. As you are aware, each family is required to purchase or sell two tickets to the dinner, or pay a $100.00 fundraising fee.  Tickets that will not be used should be returned to school.  This will help us have a more accurate meal count for the caterer.

Thanks, also, to those who have volunteered to donate a basket or silent auction item. We are in need of many more, so please consider sharing your “time or treasure” with us to make this Benefit Dinner the very best.  Joy is in the giving!


Third quarter progress reports will be sent home with your child on Monday.   Also note that all outstanding balances for tuition, meals and Extended Day must be paid in order for this report to be sent.  Please contact the school office for more information.


February Peacemaker Activity will be Friday, February 27.  If your child was a peacemaker throughout February, they may be out of uniform and will participate in a special activity.  Those who were not peacemakers will be in uniform and attend a Second Step class to help build on the skills needed to stay a peacemaker.


On Monday, March 2, there will be no bus service. Although District 189 does not have school that day, we do!  Thank you for the effort you make to have your child here on time and ready to learn.