Good afternoon families,
All report cards have been sent home today in the Thursday envelope. Please make sure the report cards are signed and returned. If your child has a mandatory conference, please bring the signed report card with you to his/ her conference. Some teachers have decided they would like to see all of their families. Students are required to attend with their parents/ guardians.
Thank you to all of the families who have registered their students thus far. The pizza party incentive will be on Wednesday, March 26th. Those students who have enrolled thus far will receive a certificate for the first incentive. Please make sure all required forms are completed and turned in to the office and tuition is current.
Open House is Wednesday, March 19th from 4-6:30PM. Please bring a friend to come check our outstanding school.
Many Blessings,
Mrs. Ruppel
Parent Teacher Conferences
- March 19 1-7PM
- March 20 8AM- 1PM
- Conferences are mandatory for students with Ds, Fs, attendance or behavior concerns
- Please check conference sheet for time
- 19 Mass- Staff Leads
- 19 12:30 Dismissal
- 19 Parent Teacher Conferences 1-7:30 PM
- 20 Parent Teacher Conferences 8AM- 1PM
- 20 No school
- 21 No School
- 26 Mass- 7th grade leads
- 28 Friday 2PM Dismissal