It is in giving of ourselves, emerging from ourselves, that we find true JOY. Pope Francis

Es  en el regalo de mi misma persona que recibo mucha alegría. El Papa Francisco.


Thank you for being a part of our Annual Benefit Dinner and the 25th anniversary celebration of Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School. As the last Catholic school in East St. Louis, we welcome your support. We are especially grateful to those who bought tickets, donated silent auction items, participated in the oral auction, and helped with set-up and clean-up.  We hope that you enjoyed the evening and know that you will always be in our prayers. We look forward to many more years working together. We would also like to give a special thanks to our violinists and Mr. Phil Tinge for the hour of beautiful music. You showcased what we do so well.

Many blessings and much joy to all of you.


Gracias para ser una parte de la Cena Anual de Beneficio y el aniversario de 25 anos de Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School. Como el ultima escuela Católica en E. St. Louis, tenemos gratitud para su apoya.  Especialmente, Tenemos gratitud a Uds. que compraron boletas, donaron ítems para las canastas, participaron en la acucien y ayudaron con preparación y el fin.  Esperamos que le guste el evento.  Conocen que están en nuestras oraciones. Gracias a los violinistas y Senor Phil Tinge para la hora de música bonita.  Muestraron que es parte de nuestra escuela.

Muchas bendiciones a todos. 


Mass this week is on Friday, March 20 and will be led by Grade 5. Know that you are always welcomed to come and celebrate with us.


La Misa está preparada por Clase 5.  ¡Bienvenidos a todos!


There is no bus service on Friday, March 20.


No hay servicios de buses el viernes, el 20 de marzo.


Registration packets for current families were sent home last week. Those families who complete the registration and return the packet to the school by April 15 are entitled to a registration fee of $50.00 per child. After April 15, the fee per child is $100.00. Registration is not considered complete until all forms and required documents are filled out and returned with the fee. Tuition assistance is available to our returning families first, then new families. The sooner you return your registration packet, the better chance you have of receiving tuition assistance.


Formularios de inscripción para familias de STBCS llegaron a sus casas la última semana. Las familias que envían la información de inscripción antes el 15 de abril pagan $50.00 para cada estudiante.  Después el 15 de abril necesitan pagar $100.00 para cada estudiante.  La inscripción no es válida hasta toda información y dinero está en la escuela. Asistencia con mensualidad es para nuestras que asistan esta ano primero, entonces familias nuevas.  Inscriba pronto.  


Please mark your calendar for report card conferences, which will be held for Grades K-8 on Thursday, March 26, from 9:00am-8:00p.m.   Upper Grade families, for the most part, will meet with all their teachers at one time, as well as Grades 4 and 5. Please note that students are required to attend the conferences with their parent/guardian. Your time for the  Report Card Conference is included in this Thursday’s envelope.

Please note: All outstanding balances, including the Annual Benefit Dinner fee of $100, must be paid before the conference is held and the report card is issued. A student returns to school ONLY after the conference is held.


Nota en sus calendarios  el tiempo de conferencias para estudiantes de K a 8 el jueves, el 26 de marzo 9:00 – 20:00;  Estudiantes y sus padres/cuidadores de 6-8 van a encontrar con todos maestros en mismo tiempo y también los de 4 -5.  Nota que estudiantes necesitan participar en conferencies con su padres/cuidadores.  Hay un formulario en este sobre.  

Nota: Es necesario a pagar todos cosas, incluso $100 para Fundo Anual antes las conferencias y recepción de las notas.  Un estudiante viene a clases después la conferencia.


The March Peacemaker Activity will be held on Wednesday, April 1.  Students who have not received an orange WIN slip may be out of uniform, receive a snack, and participate in basketball games in the gym.  Congratulations, Peacemakers!


La actividad para personas de la paz es el miércoles, el 1 de abril. Estudiantes que no reciben un papel naranjado puede no usa uniforme, recibe un snack y participa en juegos de basket en el gimnasio.  Felicidades, personas de la paz.