Joy is a net of love by which you catch souls. Mother Teresa
Thank you to the sixth graders and Sister Sharon Van Horn, ASC for their dramatization of the Stations of the Cross. What a prayer-filled way to move into Holy Week.
To Madonna Aldridge, the St. Augustine of Hippo Choir, Extended Day Praise Dancers, Mayor Alvin Parks, and all who joined us in celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Sister Thea Bowman’s passing into eternity. Many blessings and much joy be yours.
It was wonderful seeing so many of you at our Third Quarter Conferences. Thank you for making the effort to come at your scheduled time and listen to all the “exceptional” things about your child and maybe “still needs to be worked on” behaviors. One more quarter to go. Encourage your child(ren) to strive be the best version of themselves each and every day, and end the year on a strong note.
Mass this week is on Wednesday, April 1 and will be led by Grade 3. Know that you are always welcomed to come and celebrate with us.
La Misa está preparada por Clase 3. ¡Bienvenidos a todos!
Registration packets were sent home the first part of March. We just want to remind you that the deadline for the “early-bird” registration fee of $50.00 per child is Wednesday, April 15. After April 15, the fee will be $100.00 per child. Please note that tuition assistance must be applied for every year. You need to contact the office to receive an application. We would love to see 100% of our students return for another great school year.
The March Peacemaker Activity will be held on Wednesday, April 1. Students who have not received an orange WIN slip may be out of uniform, receive a snack, and participate in basketball games in the gym. Congratulations, Peacemakers!
La actividad para personas de la paz es el miércoles, el 1 de abril. Estudiantes que no reciben un papel naranjado puede no usa uniforme, recibe un snack y participa en juegos de basket en el gimnasio. Felicidades, personas de la paz.
Knee-length khaki color walking shorts or capris may now be worn starting tomorrow, April 1. Black or white tennis shoes are still a must-have, along with white socks that can be seen. Please take time to review the uniform policy found on pages 22-24 in the handbook.