As a school, we started this Monday, November 16, collecting canned goods for the Catholic Urban Program, C.U.P. We will continue the collection until Tuesday, November 24. Our goal this year is to have each child and staff member bring in at least two or three cans of food. If we all work together, we should have close to 400 cans to give to the Food Pantry. Let’s work together in being stewards of our community and help to end hunger!


Three classes met the challenge of having all of their families respond with either a donation/prayer to the Annual Fund-1st, 5th, and 8th grade. A pizza party was the reward. In an exceptional example of stewardship, first, fifth, and eighth grade asked that we use the money that we would have spent on pizza to buy more food for the C.U.P. Food Pantry. This is a true example of walking in the path of Jesus.
Have you returned your Annual Fund envelope? Families who have not returned their envelopes have received a letter and a new envelope last week. Please return it as soon as possible with a donation and/or prayer. Your support is vital to keeping our school strong. The 100% participation goal is within sight!


The theme for Mass this Friday is “Treasures of Heaven”. As a journaling prompt, students were asked to write about what they “treasure” the most and how that relates to the “treasures of heaven”.  Fourth grade will lead this Mass.  On Tuesday next week, our Mass will celebrate Thanksgiving. Spend time this week thinking of the many blessings we all have to be grateful for. And please know we consider you and your children our greatest blessing and you are always welcomed at our Mass celebrations.


All sixth grade families are invited to attend D.A.R.E. graduation this Monday, November 23, at 10am in the library.


Thanksgiving Break will be November 25-27. May you and your family enjoy the bounty and the graces of this Blessed Season!


November Peacemaker Activity will be Monday, November 30.  If your child has not received an Orange WIN slip in November, they may be out-of-uniform and will participate in the activity. Please check the handbook for out-of-uniform guidelines…also students may not wear boots unless there is snow on the ground and that will happen soon enough!


Our eleventh annual Advent Service will be held on Thursday, December 17, at 7:00pm.  As you are aware, all students are required to attend.  Commitment forms will be coming your way after Thanksgiving. Students should arrive at the school chapel no later than 6:40pm, dressed in plain dark slacks, dark shoes and socks, and plain white shirt/blouse.  Jewelry is limited to a plain watch and stud earrings. Please invite family and friends to come and pray with us during this holy season!

* Note: Extended Day is cancelled on the night of the Advent Service.


Eighth graders who are interested in attending Althoff Catholic High School next year are encouraged to take the December 5th Placement Test from 8:30am-11:30am.  Registration is required prior to the test. Please contact Althoff High School.


In your child’s Progress Report, you will find the Iowa Assessment Individual Performance Profile. Although there are many scores reported, one of the most important one is the NPR (National Percentage Rank). This score can help you see where your student stands in relation to all other students throughout the nation who took the fall test. When you look at the NPR Graph, the bands indicate where your child scored in the individual tests. An average score is 50 percent; so if your child scores are near the 50 percent mark or beyond, they are doing well.   The lower part of the report provides information on the skills tested. As you look at your students report, remember that this is just a snapshot of what your child knows. Go through the skills and find two or more areas of strength and praise your child. Also go through the test and find one or two areas in which they need to grow this year and work with your child to improve these skills.  If you would like to understand more about how your child did on this test, please contact the office to talk with his or her teacher.