The Day of the Dead (Spanish: Día de Muertos or Día de los Muertos) is a holiday celebrated from 31st October through 2nd of November inclusive, though other days, such as 6th November, may be included depending on the locality.

Traditions connected with the holiday include honoring the deceased using calaveras and aztec marigold flowers known as cempazúchitl, building home altars called ofrendas, and visiting graves with these items as gifts for the deceased.  Above is a picture of the ofrenda that was completed by Ms. Maria Wood.  You can see brown crosses on the ofrenda, each with the name of a loved one that has passed away.  These crosses were placed there by Sister Thea Bowman students.

Some important dates:

  • Thursday, November 11……….No School (Veterans’ Day)
  • Friday, November 12………….No School
  • Monday, November 15………..Bobo’s Pizza Delivery (be ready for our students to bring home their food!)

For Your Information: 

Please note:  Next Friday, November 12, there will be NO SCHOOL.  (Along with November 11, Veterans’ Day).   4-Day Weekend next week!!

  1. In your envelopes are permission forms for our next Extended Day – Session 3.  Thanks to Kindergarten aide Ms. Crystal Taylor for her continued efforts with the program.  Please return these forms ASAP.  Session 3 will begin November 15.
  2. Thank you to all families for continuing to have our students here by 8:00 AM each morning to begin our morning prayer.   Beginning the day with the routine of prayer and reflection gives our students the opportunity to start their learning on a positive note.
  3. Reading Night is November 18.  Information is included in your Thursday Envelope.

“The liturgical ingathering that has taken place throughout the autumn reaches a crescendo.  Visuals in the classroom can mirror this crescendo as images of the saints and mementos of the dead are added to the autumn decor.

Reflecting the deepening darkness and increasing cold, the mood of November shifts from the brightness of All Saints to the more somber, wintry and mystical atmosphere of Advent.”

School Year, Church Year