Another sign that school is slowly moving back to “Pre-Covid Normal”….PICTURE DAY for our students…a chance to show off those beautiful smiles!!!   Thank you for our students dressing appropriately.

October is a month of ingathering.  Migratory birds gather in moist flocks before departing.  Gnats form vapory clouds.  An old term for this time of year is “goose summer” because geese are in such evidence, hanging high overhead. 

Much of autumn evokes nostalgia, a lovely word that means “a desire for homecoming” (High schools and colleges have homecoming celebrations).  

*From the book School Year, Church Year.

As our evenings get longer and the need to begin spending more time indoors, please take these opportunities for continued reflection and prayer.  Sister Thea Bowman continues to provide a wonderful faith-based education for many reasons, and one of those reasons is for students to know God’s love and for us to extend that love to others.

Some important dates:

  • October 20, 21:   Report Card Conferences Conferences
    *(attendance at your student’s conference is mandatory.)
  • October 22: NO SCHOOL
  • October 25: NO SCHOOL (This is not on the original schedule)
  • October 28:  Living Rosary / Peacemaker Day
  • October 29:  Truck-or-Treat (information included in packet)

For Your Information:

  1. 1st Quarter Report Card Conferences, please make sure you are turning in your form for a conference time OR contacting the office (397-0316).  Remember that attendance at conferences is mandatory. Extended Session Students AND 6th, 7th, & 8th grade:  because of conferences on the evening of Wednesday, October 20, there will be no Extended Session nor Enrichment classes for Access.   
  2. FACTS SIS:  As phone numbers and contact information changes, please do not forget to make those changes in your FACTS Account.   Updated information is critical for communication between the school and home.   (This is especially true as we approach inclement weather season).  If you have any questions or are having difficulty updating information, please contact the office.
  3. Red Ribbon Week is the oldest and largest drug prevention program in the nation, reaching millions of young people each year.  This year’s event will take place October 26 – 29.  This event is an ideal way for people and communities to unite and take a visible stand against drugs.  An informational flyer is included in the Thursday Envelopes.
  4. Quick reminder that Reading Night will be held on Thursday, November 18.   Information will be soon available.
  5. Students, Parents/Guardians and STB Staff:  Don’t forget to sign up for Rev. Tracy’s God’s Reader’s Book Club.  Contact Rev. Tracy at or call 618.397.0316.

One of the central tenets of our Catholic faith is helping those that are less fortunate.  Remember to continue to support our National Junior Honor Society Afghan Refugee Drive.

“In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”

Acts 20:35