Great job to our students on our Red Ribbon Week!  With different themes each day, students were asked to show their true colors and wear red to support saying “No” to drugs and alcohol.  Thank you to Kindergarten teacher Ms. Smith for organizing our week.  On Tuesday, all students were given a red bracelet to show support.

“To the Catholic way of thinking, Halloween is the eve of All Saints Day.  It is not October’s running theme.  Halloween isn’t even an actual day.  Instead, it’s a vigil, begun at nightfall.  Halloween is the ‘opening movement’ of the festival of All Saints. Describing Halloween not as a vigil but as a holiday in itself leads to some peculiar and foundationless thinking that gives Halloween too much weight. Halloween gets bent out of shape when we imagine it as a day or even a month that is separated from All Saints.”

*From the book School Year, Church Year.

Some important dates:

  • MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1…..12:30 Dismissal
  • Thursday, November 11……….No School (Veterans’ Day)
  • Friday, November 12………….No School
  • Monday, November 15………..Bobo’s Pizza Delivery (be ready for our students to bring home their food!)

For Your Information: 

Please note:  This coming Monday, November 1 is a 12:30 dismissal.  

  1. On Wednesday morning we celebrated the Living Rosary.   The Lord blessed us with beautiful weather for the activity.   Thank you to Sister Van Horn for organizing and Ms. King for marking up our parking lot so students knew where to stand, and Ms. Allen for taking photos.
  2. Thank you to all families for continuing to have our students here by 8:00 AM each morning to begin our morning prayer.   Beginning the day with the routine of prayer and reflection gives our students the opportunity to start their learning on a positive note.
  3. My apologies for some miscommunication that I sent out earlier this week in a text.   For Peacemaker Day, only students that have achieved Peacemaker status are allowed a “Dress Down Day”.  If you lose Peacemaker status, you are expected to come to school in your uniform.
  4. Being a Peacemaker is something that you are by repeatedly making the right choices, even when making those choices might be difficult. We understand students, through their growth and maturity, sometimes make the wrong decision.  Through their learning, students need to know that we need to have some type of restoration (consequence with reflection).  We do this through the Second Step Curriculum.  We do this so consequences are not just punitive, but allow students to actually learn from their mistakes.
  5. Trunk or Treat is being held tomorrow (Friday).  The weather will determine our course of action as to if we hold festivities inside or outside.  Thanks to the parents who indicated an interest in participating in the event.

*Reading Night will be held on Thursday, November 18.   Information will be soon available. 

*Thank you for all that donated to our Afghan Refugee Drive.

*Students, Parents/Guardians and STB Staff:  Don’t forget to sign up for Rev. Tracy’s God’s Reader’s Book Club.  Contact Rev. Tracy at or call 618.397.0316.