Each school year, STB conducts 3 or more fundraising events:

  1. Bobo’s Pizza
  2. Annual Fund Appeal
  3. Benefit Dinner

Each one of these events brings in financial support for our students and staff.   The first fundraiser each year is our Bobo’s Pizza Fundraiser. We have decided to extend the deadline for orders and money from October 10 to October 15. No funds or orders will be accepted after the 15th.

If we achieve $16,000 worth of sales in 1 week, Mr. Keefe will not only allow the students to duck tape him to the wall during a school day, but he will allow each student in the home room that raises the most money to throw a pie in his face.

We understand that the time frame for sales is a little shorter than in the past, so hopefully this will motivate the students to get out there and sell those pizzas!!

Some important dates:

  • October 8:  NO SCHOOL
  • October 11:  NO SCHOOL
  • October 13:  Picture Day
  • October 20, 21:   Report Card Conferences Conferences
    *(attendance at your student’s conference is mandatory.)
  • October 22: NO SCHOOL
  • October 25: NO SCHOOL (This is not on the original schedule)

For Your Information:

  1. Just a reminder that there is no school on Friday, October 8 and Monday, October 11. 
  2. Report Card Conferences information was supposed to go home last week but didn’t make it into our Thursday envelopes.  The information for conferences in the envelopes this week.  For 1st Quarter Report Card Conferences, please make sure you are contacting the office (397-0316) to set an appointment with your student’s teacher.   Remember that attendance at conferences is mandatory.
  3. Picture Day at Sister Thea Bowman is next Wednesday, October 13.   There is a picture form from LifeTouch included in the Thursday envelope.  Your school polo shirt is the expected clothing for the pictures.   (Color is up to you)
  4. Reading Night has been moved from Thursday, October 14 to Thursday November 18.
  5. Students, Parents/Guardians and STB Staff:  If you enjoy reading, sign-up and join the newly organized Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School God’s Reader’s Book Club. To confirm your membership contact Rev. Tracy at revthwiggins@srthea.org or call 618.397.0316.
  6. (For our 6, 7, 8th Graders). Recently, representatives from Althoff Catholic High School visited STB to discuss the fantastic education and wonderful learning activities at Althoff.  Althoff is also conducting an open house. (A flyer is included in your Thursday envelope).  If you and your child are thinking of attending, this will be a great opportunity to get any questions you may have answered.  (8th grade) Please begin scheduling shadow visits with 3 schools of your choice. Some students have already begun shadow visits.