We are Children of The Way, The Truth, and The Life.


The theme for this Thursday’s Mass is “Love Everyone.” Students have been asked to journal about why they think people have a hard time loving others. This might be a good discussion to have as a family. Grade 3 leads the Mass this week. Know that you are always welcomed to attend.


October is traditionally celebrated in the Catholic Church as the Month of the Holy Rosary. Students have been given rosaries to bring to Morning Prayer and are learning the prayers associated with it. The Rosary is Christ centered in that it sets forth the entire life of Jesus Christ: His birth, Passion, Death, Resurrection, and Glory. Meditation on this cycle is known as the Mysteries of the Rosary.


There will be no school this Friday, October 9, because our staff will participate in the annual Diocesan Convention at Holy Trinity in Fairview Heights.


We are sorry to say that there will be no bus service on Monday, October 12.  Although we have school, District 189 does not have school scheduled on their calendar.  We were very proud of how many students made it to school those first weeks when we did not have bus service. We had close to 100% the first day. Please try to ensure they come even when District 189 does not have school.

Thank you.


Life Touch Studios will be here on Friday, October 16 to take photos of every student. A flyer regarding pricing and other important information was sent home last week. Buying school pictures is optional, but if interest is low, next year they will probably only take the pictures of students who purchase packages. Students may be out of uniform on Picture Day, but must dress appropriately. Thank you, in advance, for reviewing the non-uniform guidelines in the handbook (p.23-24).


Due to Picture Day being Friday, October 16, students who purchased the Non-Uniform Pass Coupon Book may be out of uniform on Monday, October 19. This is a change to the date on the September coupon


Report Card Conferences will be held on Thursday, October 22, from 9am-8pm.  Report Card Conferences sign-up sheets are included in this Thursday’s envelope. There is no school the next day, Friday, October 23.


School has been in session almost two months. It is time now for your child to be more independent at breakfast and entering school in the morning. How can you help? When you bring them to school in the morning, give them your blessing for a good day and send them on their way. If you need to come into school, please come into the office and let Ms. Francine know. She will make sure that a message is given to the teacher, and they will get back to you as soon as possible.