We are Children of The Way, The Truth, and The Life.

The court case was postponed until next week, so bussing continues until a decision is made. Keep the prayers coming.

First quarter midterm was last Friday. We are hoping to send the midterm reports home with your child tomorrow, September 18, but we are having a bit of trouble with our new grading program. If we cannot solve the issues, progress reports will go out on Monday, September 21. Return the signed Progress Reports as soon as possible after you receive it. Please note that all tuition, meal, and Extended Day payments must be current in order to receive this report. Thank you for your cooperation.

Mass tomorrow will celebrate the life and work of St. Matthew, the Apostle and Evangelist. Sixth graders will lead. All are welcomed to attend.

At last year’s Annual Benefit Dinner, coupon books were sold that allowed students to be out of uniform an extra day each month. The cost was $20/individual student or $30/family. Those families that purchased the coupon books received them on Monday, and their students may be out of uniform this Friday, September 18. (Make sure they bring in the coupon!) There are some coupon books left over, so if you are interested, please call the office and let Ms. Francine know. Send in the money and the coupon book will be yours!

Just a reminder to join Althoff Catholic High School on September 18th at their home football game at Lindenwood University. You are encouraged to come in our school colors: red and black. This will be a fun opportunity to come together as a Catholic school community. Grade school kids will be invited onto the field before the game.

Our students and staff will join over 3.5 million people across the globe in participating in the annual Pinwheels for Peace project as part of the International Day of Peace. As part of our Morning Prayer next Thursday, September 24, class pinwheels will grace the front lawn of our school with images and messages of peace and harmony. The thought is that the breeze will capture these messages and carry them throughout the world. Please come join us for Morning Prayer; we will gather at 8am. May peace one day prevail on Earth!

Session 1 of Extended Day ends next Friday, September 25. Please complete the enclosed form if you are interested in enrolling your child in Session 2, which begins on Monday, September 28 and ends on Friday, November 6. The cost for the 6-week session is $50.00 for one child and $70.00 per family. The building of skills and more individualized instruction and homework help is emphasized.

The Land of Lincoln along with The Organization of Black Law Enforcement will present: Ten Rules of Dealing with the Police for a Positive Outcome. The presentation is this Saturday, September 19 from 12:00 noon to 2:00pm at St. Augustine of Hippo Church., 401 Rev. J. A. Brown Blvd. All are welcomed. Flyers are posted at the school.