Weekly Newsletter – March 10, 2016


Thank you for being a part of our Annual Benefit Dinner. As the last Catholic school in East St. Louis, we welcome and need your support. We are especially grateful to those who bought tickets, donated silent auction items, participated in the oral auction, and helped throughout the dinner.  We hope that you enjoyed the evening and know that you will always be in our prayers. We look forward to many more years working together. We would also like to give a special thank you to our violinists and Mr. Phil Tinge for the hour of beautiful music, and to Rev. Tracy Holliway Wiggins and our liturgical dancers. You showcased what we do so well.

Many blessings and much joy be to all of you.


Mass this week is on Friday, March 11 and will be led by Grade 6. Know that you are always welcomed to come and celebrate with us.


Registration packets for current families will be handed out during Report Card Conferences. Those families who complete the registration and return the packet to the school by April 29 are entitled to a registration fee of $50.00 per child. After April 29, the fee per child is $100.00.
Online registration is required for SMART Tuition and SMART Tuition Aid. Tuition Assistance is available to our returning families first, then new families. You will need to apply online through SMART Tuition Aid.  The sooner you return your registration packet and go online, the better chance you have of receiving tuition assistance. 

Registration is not considered complete until all forms and required documents are filled out and returned with the fee, and you have completed the online registration. 


Please mark your calendar for Report Card Conferences, which will be held for Grades K-8 on Wednesday, March 23, from 9:00am-8:00p.m.   Upper Grade families, for the most part, will meet with all their teachers at one time, as well as Grades 4 and 5. Please note that students are required to attend the conferences with their parent/guardian. A Report Card Conference form is included in this Thursday’s envelope. Please fill out this form for each child’s teacher and return Monday, March 14. The sooner it is return, the better chance you have of getting the time you want.

Please note: All outstanding balances, including the Annual Benefit Dinner fee of $100, must be paid before the conference is held and the report card is issued. A student returns to school ONLY after the conference is held. 

Weekly Newsletter – March 3, 2016


It’s almost here!

This Saturday, March 5, at The Shrine Restaurant in Belleville, we will come together as a community and celebrate all the amazing things that are accomplished at Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School and help make sure that we continue to make a difference for the families we serve. This Annual Fundraiser begins with a Silent Auction/Social Hour starting at 6pm, followed by dinner at 7pm and an Oral Auction.
Thanks to those of you who returned your money for the two tickets for the Annual Benefit Dinner. As you are aware, each family is required to purchase or sell two tickets to the dinner, or pay a $100.00 fundraising fee.  

Thanks, also, to those who have volunteered to donate a basket or silent auction item.

Baskets are on display in the main entrance.  For those who plan to donate a basket or another item, please send it no later than Thursday, March 3.
Violinists/liturgical dancers who are part of the entertainment should be at The Shrine Restaurant by 5:30pm., dressed in black slacks, white shirts/blouses and dark shoes.  Jewelry is limited to stud earrings and a plain watch.  *Please remind your child that this is a privilege and only the “best-version” of themselves will be accepted.

Looking forward to seeing you all there.

***Remember, we are also selling raffle tickets for a chance to win $10,000! Only 300 will be sold at $100/ticket.


Sister Thea will again sell “Non-Uniform Coupon Books.”  By purchasing a coupon book, the student or teacher can be out of uniform one day a month on a designated day.  Cost of the coupon book is $20.00 per student/teacher or $30.00 per family. The students will bring the monthly coupon to school on the day designated as “Out of Uniform Day”. Coupon books can be purchased the night of the Annual Benefit Dinner or up to the beginning of the next school year.  Coupon books that are paid for at the Benefit Dinner will be distributed at the beginning of the next school year.  The administration will set a cut-off date for when purchasing the books will end.  Administration will determine which day of the month will be the “Out of Uniform Day”.  It will be the same day each month.  So be sure to stop by the table at the Annual Benefit Dinner Auction and sign up for your student/s.


Our first-ever talent show was a huge success. Congratulations to all our participants and to our winners: 1st Place Winner-Malynnda Aldridge Johnson for her vocal rendition of “Glory”, 2nd Place-Sidera Ryan for the song, “Wings”, and 3rd Place-Nia Harris for the poem, “I am a Black Child”.


Mass this Friday will be led by Grade 7. We will celebrate the memory of Sts. Perpetua and Felicity. These are two young women from northern Africa who were martyred rather than deny their faith. A suggestion for discussion: who is someone they admire for their strong faith in Jesus Christ?

*Know that you are always welcomed to come and celebrate with us.


School will be dismissed at 12:30p.m. on Monday, March 7, because of our regular staff meeting.  There will be breakfast, lunch, and bus service, but no Extended Day.


Please go over the telephone policy in our Family Handbook (p.22). Students are bringing phones to school without permission notes from their families. Phones will be confiscated and kept in the office until a parent/guardian picks them up.

Weekly Newsletter – February 25, 2016


Next Saturday is the night!

Thanks to those of you who returned your money for the two tickets/fundraising fee for the March 5th Annual Benefit Dinner. As you are aware, each family is required to purchase or sell two tickets to the dinner, or pay a $100.00 fundraising fee.  Tickets that will not be used should be returned to school.  This will help us have a more accurate meal count for the caterer.

Thanks, also, to those who have volunteered to donate a basket or silent auction item. We are in need of many more, so please consider sharing your “time or treasure” with us to make this Benefit Dinner the very best.  Joy is in the giving!

Baskets are on display now.  For those who plan to donate a basket or another item, please send it no later than Thursday, March 3.

***Remember, we are also selling raffle tickets for a chance to win $10,000! Only 300 will be sold at $100/ticket


Sister Thea will again sell “Non-Uniform Coupon Books.”  By purchasing a coupon book, the student or teacher can be out of uniform one day a month on a designated day.  Cost of the coupon book is $20.00 per student/teacher or $30.00 per family. The students will bring the monthly coupon to school on the day designated as “Out of Uniform Day”. Coupon books can be purchased the night of the Annual Benefit Dinner or up to the beginning of the next school year.  Coupon books that are paid for at the Benefit Dinner will be distributed at the beginning of the next school year.  The administration will set a cut-off date for when purchasing the books will end.  Administration will determine which day of the month will be the “Out of Uniform Day”.  It will be the same day each month.  So be sure to stop by the table at the Annual Benefit Dinner Auction and sign up for your student/s.


Mass this week will be led by Grade 8. Know that you are always welcomed to come and celebrate with us.


February’s Peacemaker Activity will be this Friday, February 26.  We will celebrate with a Talent Show in the chapel starting at 1:30pm. Students have already auditioned and should be “practicing, practicing, practicing!” what they will present. If your child was a Peacemaker throughout February, they may be out of uniform and enjoy time in the chapel.  Those who were not peacemakers will be in uniform and attend a Second Step class to help build on the skills needed to stay a peacemaker.

***Please join us in the chapel for our very first Talent Show!


School will be dismissed at 12:30p.m. on Monday, March 7, because of our regular staff meeting.  There will be breakfast, lunch, and bus service, but no Extended Day.


Did you get the email/text message?

When school is canceled or dismissed early due to weather, you will receive an email and/or text message through Fast Direct.  In addition, our school name will be listed on Channel 5 television, or you can go to Channel 5’s website: ksdk.com.  If you did not receive the notification, please contact the school so we can update your information.

Weekly Newsletter – February 18, 2016


Lent began Wednesday, February 10, with the celebration of Mass and the blessing of ashes which were then placed on our foreheads in the sign of the cross. This is a sign that we are Christians and are entering a holy season of preparation for Easter. During Lent we will focus on prayer, almsgiving, and fasting. Students wrote out their intentions for the season and placed them in a basket. Ask them what they will do during this holy season to prepare themselves for Christ’s resurrection.


Two weeks and counting!
Thanks to those of you who returned your money for the two tickets for the March 5th Annual Benefit Dinner.    As you are aware, each family is required to purchase or sell two tickets to the dinner, or pay a $100.00 fundraising fee.  Tickets that will not be used should be returned to school.  This will help us have a more accurate meal count for the caterer.

Thanks, also, to those who have volunteered to donate a basket or silent auction item. We are in need of many more, so please consider sharing your “time or treasure” with us to make this Benefit Dinner the very best.  Joy is in the giving!

***Remember, we are also selling raffle tickets for a chance to win $10,000! Only 300 will be sold at $100/ticket.


Third quarter progress reports will be sent home with your child tomorrow.   Also note that all outstanding balances for tuition, meals and Extended Day must be paid in order for this report to be sent.  Please contact the school office for more information.


Session 5 begins this Monday, February 22 and ends on Friday, April 1st. CLICK HERE for the registration form.


February Peacemaker Activity will be Friday, February 26.  This year we will celebrate with a Talent Show in the chapel staring at 1:30pm. Students have already auditioned and should be practicing what they will present. If your child was a Peacemaker throughout February, they may be out of uniform and enjoy time in the chapel.  Those who were not peacemakers will be in uniform and attend a Second Step class to help build on the skills needed to stay a peacemaker.

***Please join us in the chapel for our very first Talent Show!

Weekly Newsletter – February 10, 2016


Congratulations to our inaugural members of the NJHS who were inducted on Friday: Malynnda Aldridge, JaMaya Bonner, Jasmine Bonner, Jacquelyn Bownes, Chenyia Brown, Azia Douglas, James Gladney, Alisea Killiebrew, Gabriel Magana, Ajazla Moore, Annie Pearson, Janyya Robinson, Alex Vega, and Monica Williams.
Thank you, also, to Mrs. Spencer, NJHS Advisor, and all parents, guardians, grandparents, mentors, friends, and supporters who participated in Mass and came to celebrate our families and students.


This Wednesday, we began the liturgical season of Lent with Mass at 8:30am in the chapel and the distributing of ashes. As Father Carroll states in his Chaplain Corner:  Lent is a time of reflection and preparation. We are challenged to become better Christians, better disciples, better followers of Christ. A true disciple is a person who just doesn’t do certain things, but even more importantly, one who does certain things. We need to ask ourselves: What can I do to be a better Christian – to let people know without my having to tell them – that I am a follower of Christ?


This Thursday is our February Non-Uniform Pass Day. If you purchased a coupon book at last year’s Benefit Dinner, tomorrow is the day to redeem the February coupon.  FYI: coupon books for next school year will go on sale at this year’s Benefit Dinner on March 5.


Third quarter midterm is tomorrow, February 11.  Midterm reports will be sent home on Friday, February 19.  Please note that all tuition, meal, and Extended Day payments must be current in order to receive this report.  Return the signed Progress Reports on Monday, February 22. Thank you for your cooperation.


In celebration of Valentine’s Day, on Thursday, February 11th, students are invited to wear a Valentine accessory with their uniform, such as a red ribbon, valentine-themed pin, a piece of red jewelry, red socks, shoes, or shirt. Thanks for making sure the item is age and Catholic school appropriate. Wishing you all a day filled with valentine blessings.


There is no school on Friday, February 12, due to Staff Meeting/Professional Learning Communities and Monday, February 15, in honor of Presidents’ Day.


Please mark your calendars for March 5, for our Annual Benefit Dinner.  It will again be held at Our Lady of the Snows Shrine. Families are required to purchase or sell two (2) Annual Benefit Dinner Tickets at $100 for two tickets, or pay a fundraising fee of $100. If more tickets are needed, please contact the office. Each dinner ticket is $50. Thanks, in advance, for helping us make this a great success.

How else can you help? We are in need of baskets for the Silent Auction.  Here are some ideas from years past: Gardening Basket, Art Basket, Games Galore, Movie Night, Books, Books, and More Books; Sports Fun, Baby Care, Rainy Day Fun, and The Bible Tells Me So. So, put on your creativity caps and know that you are helping keep Sister Thea Bowman School going. We are putting School Theme Baskets on display on Tuesday, February 16. Bring or send yours in, and our display will grow each week.

***Remember, we are also selling raffle tickets for a chance to win $10,000! Only 300 will be sold at $100/ticket.

Weekly Newsletter – February 4, 2016

Catholic Schools are Communities of Faith, Knowledge, and Service. We are Challenged to Proclaim God’s Mercy.


Each day of Catholic School Week had a special focus: On Sunday, January 31, our violinist participated at the 9:30am Mass at St. Augustine of Hippo Church in East St. Louis. Monday we “Kicked-off” the week with emphasis on praying for civic leaders and delivery baskets of thanks; Tuesday we opened our school to new families who were interested in enrolling their children for the next school year; Wednesday was Student Appreciation; Thursday was Staff Appreciation; and Friday, we celebrate our families with a special Mass and donuts and coffee afterwards. We will close the week with our Dance Ministry and Violinists participating in a 4:30pm Mass at St. Augustine of Hippo Church in Breese.
A very special thanks to our Catholic School Week committee for making this week so “exceptional” for everyone involved.


As part of Catholic Schools Week, we will celebrate our families during Mass at 8:30am in the chapel. We will also have the inaugural induction of our National Junior Honor Society. Following Mass, parents/guardians are invited to come to the cafeteria for sweet rolls, donuts, coffee, and juice.

Thank you for all you do to support your child’s education, and for celebrating Catholic Schools Week with us.


January Peacemaker has been rescheduled for tomorrow, February 5. If your child stayed a peacemaker throughout January, they may be out of uniform and celebrate with “Games Galore!” If they bring a dollar to go to charity, they may wear a piece of “bling”.


In celebration of Black History Month, students and staff are learning about African American scientists, educators, authors, athletes, entertainers, and artists. Please ask your child to share with you some of the knowledge that is being shared at Morning Prayer and throughout the day.


Please mark your calendars for March 5, for our Annual Benefit Dinner.  It will again be held at Our Lady of the Snows Shrine. Tickets were sent in last week’s envelope. Families are required to purchase or sell two (2) Annual Benefit Dinner at $100 for two tickets, or pay a fundraising fee of $100. If more tickets are needed, please contact the office. Each dinner ticket is $50. Thanks, in advance, for helping us make this a great success.


In celebration of Valentine’s Day on Thursday, February 11th, students are invited to wear a Valentine accessory with their uniform, such as a red ribbon, valentine-themed pin, a piece of red jewelry, red socks, shoes, or shirt. Thanks for making sure the item is age and Catholic school appropriate.


There is no school on Friday, February 12, due to Staff Meeting/Professional Learning Communities and Monday, February 15, in honor of Presidents’ Day.

Win $10,000 and Support STBCS!


2016 Cash Raffle – Benefit Dinner Auction 3-5-2016

Need Not Be Present to Win

$10,000 Grand Prize, $1,000 2nd Prize, $500 3rd Prize

Tickets $100.00

To purchase a ticket, contact Ms. Francine at 618-397-0316

If 300 tickets have not been sold by 3/5/2016, Sister Thea Bowman reserves the right to withdraw the Grand Prize and split 50/50 with the winner.

Weekly Newsletter – January 28, 2016

This Friday, January 29, Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School will be closed so that staff and families may attend the funeral of Mr. Dave Koderhandt’s grandson, Peyton Wilkins. Mr. Dave has been part of our school family since 2004.

Visitation is from 3pm-8pm on Thursday, January 28, and from 9am-9:30am on Friday, January 29, at St. Teresa Catholic Church, 1201 Lebanon Avenue, Belleville, Illinois. The funeral Mass begins at 10:30am right after the morning visitation. All families and students are invited to attend or send messages of faith and hope to Mr. Dave and his family.

This year’s All School Spelling Bee Champion was Carre Webster (5th), with Ryan Luster (8th) as runner up. This was an exciting competition with many strong spellers! Carre will have the opportunity to participate at the Written Semi-final Bee held at McKendree University in Lebanon, Illinois. If she is not able to attend, Ryan will represent our school. Congratulations!

Thanks to our seniors from SLUH: Vincent Bartholomew, Michael Boyle, and Joseph McCurran and those from Mater Dei: Samuel Krebs and Quintin Potthast. They finished their senior service project with us and will be greatly missed. May God bless and keep them in His care.

An Open House for potential new school families will be held on Tuesday, February 2. Open House times are 8:30a.m.-11:30a.m. and 1:00p.m.-3:30p.m. You are our best ambassadors for spreading the word about this exceptional faith-based school in East St. Louis! Please invite those you know who have grade school students to consider attending this event. Have them contact the school office at 618-397-0316 to sign up to visit.

Our school will join with students all over the United States in celebrating Catholic Schools Week, January 31 – February 6. This year’s theme is: Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge, and Service-Challenged to Proclaim God’s Mercy.

Each day of Catholic School Week has a special focus: On Sunday, January 31, our violinist will participate at the 9:30am Mass at St. Augustine of Hippo Church in East St. Louis. Monday we “Kick-off” the week with emphasis on praying for civic leaders; Tuesday we open our school to new families who are interested in enrolling their children for the next school year; Wednesday is Student Appreciation; Thursday is Staff Appreciation; and Friday, we celebrate our families with a special Mass and donuts and coffee afterwards. We close the week with our Dance Ministry and Violinists participating in a 4:30pm Mass at St. Augustine of Hippo Church in Breese.

Please contact us in the office if you have completed the Child Protection Course and are able to help supervise students during lunch or recess on Thursday, February 4, from 11:15-12:45. This is Staff Appreciation Day, and we’d like to give them the gift of a duty-free luncheon that day.

As part of Catholic Schools Week, we will celebrate our families during Mass, and we will have the inaugural induction of our National Junior Honor Society. Following Mass, parents/guardians are invited to come to the cafeteria for sweet rolls, donuts, coffee, and juice.

A select group of violinist will open Catholic Schools Week by playing at the 9:30am Mas son this Sunday, January 31, at St. Augustine of Hippo Church in East St. Louis. They, along with our dance ministers, will close the week at the 4pm Mass Saturday, February 6, at St. Augustine of Hippo Church in Breese, Illinois. For those involved, permission slips are going home today.

Incoming freshman registration is scheduled for February 3 and February 4, 2016. If you are a family with an eighth grade student who will be attending Althoff, please call (618) 235-1100 to schedule your appointment.

The Genesis Arts Ministry is hosting beginning ballet classes throughout the month of February. Please see the flyer included in this week’s envelope.


During Catholic Schools Week (January 31-February 6), we will have Open House on Tuesday, February 2 from 8:30am-3:30pm.

Registration for the next school year will be open at that time.