During Catholic Schools Week (January 31-February 6), we will have Open House on Tuesday, February 2 from 8:30am-3:30pm.
Registration for the next school year will be open at that time.
During Catholic Schools Week (January 31-February 6), we will have Open House on Tuesday, February 2 from 8:30am-3:30pm.
Registration for the next school year will be open at that time.
Report cards will be sent home with each student tomorrow. In order to receive the report card, all outstanding balances must be paid. Thank you for all you do to make sure your tuition and fees are kept current.
Mass this Friday will celebrate the life and legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. “By the time he was assassinated, he spoke for the poor and disposed of the nation, and he was a symbol of justice and peace in the world.” (Joseph Cardinal Bernardin.) Genesis dancer, Jennifer Lee, will minister at this Mass and Grade 6 will lead it. Please know that you are always welcome to join us at 8:30am in the chapel.
Students who purchased the Non-Uniform Pass Coupon Book may be out of uniform this Friday, January 15. Please see p. 24 of the handbook to make sure they follow our Non-Uniform Day guidelines
There will be no school on Monday, January 18, in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday.
Fr. Carroll reminded us that East St. Louis will hold their annual Commemorative Program Celebration of the life and legacy of Dr. King on Monday, January 18, at noon at Mt. Pisgah Missionary Baptist Church at 1111 Pennsylvania Ave.
Have you ever been to a “Mouse Race”? Me, either…but the opportunity is coming soon. A Charity Event sponsored by St. Philip Alumni and Friends to raise money for our new windows is happening next Saturday, January 23 from 6:00pm-11:00pm. See flyer for more information.
An Open House for potential new school families will be held on Tuesday, February 2. Open House times are 8:30a.m.-11:30a.m. and 1:00p.m.-3:00p.m. You are our best ambassadors for spreading the word about this exceptional faith-based school in East St. Louis! Please invite those you know who have grade school students to consider attending this event. Have them contact the school office at 618-397-0316 to sign up to visit.
Please mark your calendars for March 5, for our Annual Benefit Dinner. It will again be held at Our Lady of the Snows Shrine. Anyone interested in serving on the planning committee is invited to contact the office as soon as possible at 397-0316. Meetings are usually held after school in the library. If you cannot come to a meeting but would like to help, please let us know and Melissa Lawson, parent of Jakobi (Gr. 2) and Jordyn (Gr. 3) will be in touch. Thanks, in advance, for helping us make this a great success.
Incoming freshman registration is scheduled for February 3 and February 4, 2016. If you are a family with an eighth grade student who will be attending Althoff, please call (618) 235-1100 to schedule your appointment.
When school is closed due to inclement weather, you will be notified by the Fast Direct System. It will also be announced on Channel 5 television station and posted on ksdk.com website. In order to receive the message sent through Fast Direct, it is necessary to have your email or phone number registered in the system. Please notify us immediately if your phone number or email has changed.
We’re back in school! Alleluia!! It was wonderful seeing everyone’s smiling face on Tuesday morning. It was good to have a break, but it’s also good to be back. Hope your Christmas season was filled with peace and joy. Welcome to 2016, and thank you to those of you who remembered our staff members with Christmas cards and gifts. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
How many of you see the New Year as a time to start anew, eat a bit healthier, drink more water, set time aside to pray each day? At STBCS, we know our students can be exceptional. And they have risen to our expectations time and again. We are so pleased with them this year. We want to make sure it continues.
How can you help? Continue to talk to your children about the importance of always being their best self and doing what they know is right. Also check in with them in the evening to see how school is going. Listen to them and help them “walk in the way of the Lord”.
We are Peacemakers. We are respectful in actions and words to God, self, others, and all creation.
We welcome Vincent Bartholomew, Michael Boyle, and Joseph McMurran, seniors at St. Louis University High School; and Samuel Krebs and Quintin Potthest, seniors at Mater Dei High School in Breese, Illinois. All are here to do their Senior Service Projects at our school. While they are here, they will assist teachers and have opportunities to work with students. We are glad they chose our school and grateful to all of them for their service to us.
This Friday we will celebrate the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord. This feast celebrates that the child born in the darkness of night in the manger in Bethlehem is revealed as the light of the world; the manifestation of God for all people. Please join us for this special celebration,
Students in Grades 6-8 will begin a semester of ballroom dancing on Thursday, January 7. We look forward to welcoming back our instructor, Mr. Tom Obermeyer, of Just Dancing Ballroom Studio and sharing the work of Mr. Obermeyer and the students at the Spring Concert!
Session 4 began on Tuesday, January 5 and ends on Friday, February 19. Due to the holiday, registration will be open until tomorrow, Friday, January 8.
The end of the Second Quarter is this Friday, January 8. Report Cards will be sent home next Friday, January 15. Please note that all outstanding balances must be paid in order to receive these reports. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
When school is closed due to inclement weather, you will be notified by the Fast Direct System. It will also be announced on Channel 5 television station and posted on ksdk.com website. In order to receive the message sent through Fast Direct, it is necessary to have your email or phone number registered in the system. Please notify us immediately if your phone number or email has changed.
Our twelfth annual Advent Service-Walking in the Light of God– is tonight, Thursday, December 17. As you are aware, all students are required to attend. Thanks, in advance, for making sure your child arrives at the school chapel no later than 6:40pm, dressed in plain dark slacks, dark shoes and socks, and plain white shirt/blouse. Jewelry is limited to a watch and stud earrings. Please make sure your child does not have gum or a cell phone with them. Remind family and friends that seating is limited and that we will start on time. Students and staff members have been working hard to create an inspiring, spiritual experience for you. We look forward to seeing you tonight!
May Christ’s gift of Hope, Peace, and Joy fill your heart this Advent and Christmas Season.
There’s still one more day to bring an item for our Advent Giving Tree. Friday morning, Mr. Dave will take all donated hats, gloves, mittens, scarves, and socks to C.U.P. to help those in need have a warmer winter. We are hoping all children will have donated at least one item…for it is in giving that we receive.
Our last school Mass for 2015 is tomorrow at 8:30am. Eighth grade will lead. Please feel free to come and join us in prayer as we look forward to the birth of the Christ Child.
If your child stayed a peacemaker throughout December, they will be treated to a movie and popcorn on Friday, December 18; they also may be out of uniform. For those that earned an Orange W.I.N. slip, they will spend time reflecting on the choices they made during a Second Step lesson.
Our school Christmas break will begin at 12:30p.m. on Friday, December 18, through Monday, January 4. School will resume on Tuesday, January 5, 2016!
Students in Grades 6-8 will begin a semester of ballroom dancing on Thursday, January 7. We look forward to welcoming back our instructor, Mr. Tom Obermeyer, of Just Dancing Ballroom Studio.
We are sorry to say “Good-bye” to Mrs. Patti Sauer, our 6th-8th grade Language Arts teacher. We wish her well on her new job at St. Louis University working in their stewardship department. We would also like to welcome back Mr. Matthew Guiffre’ who will work with Mrs. Roberta Trost in our Advancement Department and teach science to our 7th and 8th graders.
Information on school cancellation or early dismissal due to bad weather will be broadcast on television Channel 5. In addition, an email or text blast will be made through the Fast Direct notification system. Please contact us immediately if your number has changed, or if you are not receiving the messages that have been sent via this system.
Sponsored by
St. Philip Alumni & Friends Foundation
St. Luke’s Parish Center
301 North Church
Belleville, IL 62220
Benefitting the Window Campaign for Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School
Bring your own snacks. Popcorn and pretzels provided. Cash beer & wine & soda bar. No outside liquor allowed.
Large Raffle Drawing Silent Auction 50/50 Raffle. Bring a scratch off lottery ticket to receive a free drink!
Call to reserve a table now, as space is limited!!
To reserve a table or buy singe tickets, call Patti O’Sullivan Bond @ 618.363.4816 or Susan Buese Callais @ 618.806.8816
EAST ST. LOUIS Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School has raised about half of the $100,000 it needs to replace windows that were shattered by vandals on the eve of the first day of school in August.
The school hopes to replace the windows with high-tech, state-of-the-art windows that are unbreakable and energy-efficient.
Roberta Trost, advancement director for Sister Thea Bowman, said the school, located at 8213 Church Lane, wouldn’t allow their spirits to break along with the windows. And a huge part of the uplift came by the way of many strangers who, once they learned about the vandalism in the media, called to make donations or sent in their checks to help the school, Trost said. Some of the money also came through grants.
Trost said she is hopeful donors will help them raise the other $50,000 they need to get started as well as the money the school needs to replace the windows in the entire school because they are old, missing, single pane glass, a lot of the caulk is gone so air seeps in, and won’t open. Trost said the students there deserve to have the best learning atmosphere possible.
During an event Thursday at the school, Lindsay Matush, executive director of the Brown Sisters Foundation, in St. Louis, Mo., announced that her organization is issuing a $50,000 challenge.
“We believe in the value of this school. We want to see them be successful,” she said.
Trost said the school is looking for new donors or past donors who are willing to increase their donations.
Officials with Winco, a window making business in University City, Mo., the contractor GRB and the representative from the Boston company that makes the polycarbonate that’s in the windows, came to the school grounds to show off the latest technology put into the windows to make them more difficult to break than glass, and more economical and environmentally friendly.
“These windows are thermally efficient. They let more light in,” said John Campbell, president of Winco.
The windows have internal blinds inside of them that open and close. The frame and sash of the window is aluminum and there’s a thermo barrier between it. It resists rain, water and hail. It’s safe and secure, said Kurtis Suellentrop, technical sales manager at Winco.
He took a five-pound sledgehammer, a baseball and a small wooden bat and beat on the window to show those gathered that it would not break. Many in the crowd appeared amazed. Some wanted to know whether they could purchase them for their homes.
Craig Hines, senior project manager with GRP, said, “They won’t have to worry about vandalism.” And they’re energy-efficient, he said.
Tom Niziolek, architectural segment manager for Covestro in Sheffield, Mass., said the brand name for the polycarbon is Makrolon. He said the polycarbon is used “on basketball backboards, snowmobiles and jet-fighter windows. It could be up to 250 times stronger than glass. The cost of the polycarbon depends on the thicknessof the polycarbon. It’s more expensive than glass, but it is virtually unbreakable.”
For more information or to make a donation, call Sister Thea Bowman at 314-913-7623 or visit www.stbcs.com.
Carolyn P. Smith: 618-239-2503
Read Article in Belleville News-Democrat
This will be an opportunity to:
601 James R. Thompson Blvd., Bldg. E
Light Refreshments and Childcare provided
RSVP : ESTHER BEARD, COMMUNITY ORGANIZER FOR COFI @618-874-0216 EX.315 or ebeard@cofionline.org
As a school, we started this Monday, November 16, collecting canned goods for the Catholic Urban Program, C.U.P. We will continue the collection until Tuesday, November 24. Our goal this year is to have each child and staff member bring in at least two or three cans of food. If we all work together, we should have close to 400 cans to give to the Food Pantry. Let’s work together in being stewards of our community and help to end hunger!
Three classes met the challenge of having all of their families respond with either a donation/prayer to the Annual Fund-1st, 5th, and 8th grade. A pizza party was the reward. In an exceptional example of stewardship, first, fifth, and eighth grade asked that we use the money that we would have spent on pizza to buy more food for the C.U.P. Food Pantry. This is a true example of walking in the path of Jesus.
Have you returned your Annual Fund envelope? Families who have not returned their envelopes have received a letter and a new envelope last week. Please return it as soon as possible with a donation and/or prayer. Your support is vital to keeping our school strong. The 100% participation goal is within sight!
The theme for Mass this Friday is “Treasures of Heaven”. As a journaling prompt, students were asked to write about what they “treasure” the most and how that relates to the “treasures of heaven”. Fourth grade will lead this Mass. On Tuesday next week, our Mass will celebrate Thanksgiving. Spend time this week thinking of the many blessings we all have to be grateful for. And please know we consider you and your children our greatest blessing and you are always welcomed at our Mass celebrations.
All sixth grade families are invited to attend D.A.R.E. graduation this Monday, November 23, at 10am in the library.
Thanksgiving Break will be November 25-27. May you and your family enjoy the bounty and the graces of this Blessed Season!
November Peacemaker Activity will be Monday, November 30. If your child has not received an Orange WIN slip in November, they may be out-of-uniform and will participate in the activity. Please check the handbook for out-of-uniform guidelines…also students may not wear boots unless there is snow on the ground and that will happen soon enough!
Our eleventh annual Advent Service will be held on Thursday, December 17, at 7:00pm. As you are aware, all students are required to attend. Commitment forms will be coming your way after Thanksgiving. Students should arrive at the school chapel no later than 6:40pm, dressed in plain dark slacks, dark shoes and socks, and plain white shirt/blouse. Jewelry is limited to a plain watch and stud earrings. Please invite family and friends to come and pray with us during this holy season!
* Note: Extended Day is cancelled on the night of the Advent Service.
Eighth graders who are interested in attending Althoff Catholic High School next year are encouraged to take the December 5th Placement Test from 8:30am-11:30am. Registration is required prior to the test. Please contact Althoff High School.
In your child’s Progress Report, you will find the Iowa Assessment Individual Performance Profile. Although there are many scores reported, one of the most important one is the NPR (National Percentage Rank). This score can help you see where your student stands in relation to all other students throughout the nation who took the fall test. When you look at the NPR Graph, the bands indicate where your child scored in the individual tests. An average score is 50 percent; so if your child scores are near the 50 percent mark or beyond, they are doing well. The lower part of the report provides information on the skills tested. As you look at your students report, remember that this is just a snapshot of what your child knows. Go through the skills and find two or more areas of strength and praise your child. Also go through the test and find one or two areas in which they need to grow this year and work with your child to improve these skills. If you would like to understand more about how your child did on this test, please contact the office to talk with his or her teacher.
Classes are exploring the concept of “stewardship” during Morning Prayer. A steward is a person who is given both the authority over what she or he cares for and the responsibility for seeing that it lives and grows. We are all called to be stewards of what God has created. As a school, starting next week on Monday, November 16, and ending Tuesday, November 24, we will collect canned goods for CUP, Catholic Urban Program. We will become stewards of our community.
During November, we are praying for our family members and friends who have passed into eternity. Students and staff are writing these family members’ names on flames and placing them on candles at our entrance doors to show that those who have passed light our way. We will have some cut paper at the office if you would like to come in and write a loved ones’ name for remembrance. Special paper is also being used this month in the Book of Intentions and is dedicated to those who have died. All are encouraged to write in the names of deceased family and friends.
Is your Annual Fund envelope still at home or have you returned it to school with a donation and/or prayer? If it’s been misplaced, we are sending home the Annual Fund letter (again) with an envelope attached. Please return it to school. A challenge went out to the students: the first class to have 100% of their envelopes returned will have a pizza party on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving Break.
Picture Retake Day is Thursday, November 19, for students who were not present on October 16, and for students who need to get their photo retaken. Students who are getting retakes must turn in their original photo package to the office. Since the pictures will be taken first thing in the morning, students may come to school out of uniform and change after the photos are taken.
Mass tomorrow will be led by the fifth graders. All are welcomed to attend.
Students who purchased the Non-Uniform Pass Coupon Book may be out of uniform this Friday, November 13. Please see p. 24 of the handbook to make sure they follow our Non-Uniform Day guidelines.
Flu and cold season is definitely here. Many students are going home with coughs and flu-like symptoms. Please remember that if your child is running a fever, she/he needs to stay home for 24 hours after they are fever-free. If your child needs to take medicine the following procedures must be followed:
One last reminder: even if you call in to let us know that your child is sick, a note is also needed stating the dates your child was absent and the reason before your child can be admitted to the classroom.
Second quarter midterm is next Friday, November 20. Midterm reports will be sent home on Tuesday, November 24. Please note that all tuition, meal, and Extended Day payments must be current in order to receive this report. Return the signed Progress Reports on Monday, November 30. Thank you for your cooperation.
Thanksgiving Break will be November 25-27. May you and your family enjoy the bounty and the graces of this Blessed Season!
Information on school cancellation or early dismissal due to bad weather will be broadcast on television Channel 5. In addition, an email or text “blast” will go out through Fast Direct. Are you connected?
Thanks so much for making our 12th annual “Trunk or Treat” event a big success! Special thanks to all who decorated their car/truck trunks and passed out candy as the parade of ghosts and ghouls, wizards and superheroes went from car to car “Trunk or Treat”ing. Also thanks to our school families who were so generous with donating Halloween treats; and to our staff for their part in making things run so smoothly.
There will be no bus service for our students Wednesday, November 11, due to Veterans Day. We will have school, so we thank you for doing all you can to find a way for your child to be here.
Enrollment has been growing in the last month. We would like to welcome: Lizabeth Perez, Yovana Pedroza (Kindergarten), Gerardo Perez (1st), Jimonnie Whittaker (6th), and Gabriel Magana (7th).
We now have 120 students and will continue enrolling until January. Welcome!
Is your Annual Fund envelope still at home or have you returned it to school with a donation or prayer? Annual Fund envelopes for families were due on Friday, October 30. We are in need of your support to continue with the programs that are making a difference in your children’s lives. Please return them as soon as possible. Many blessings.
Picture Retake Day is Thursday, November 19, for students who were not present on October 16, and for students who need to get their photo retaken. Students who are getting retakes must turn in their original photo package to the office. Since the pictures will be taken first thing in the morning, students may come to school out of uniform and change after the photos are taken.
The last day to wear uniform shorts and capris was October 30. Uniform slacks are required through March 31. Thank you for your cooperation.