Weekly Newsletter – April 9, 2015

Peace and joy be with you.
La paz y la alegria con Uds.

Christ has risen. Alleluia!
¡El Senor resucito, Aleluya!


Our annual Spring Concert will be held Sunday, April 19, at 3:00p.m., in our school chapel.  As you are aware, students are required to participate in this event and to wear white shirts/blouses and dark slacks and shoes. Jewelry is limited to stud earrings and a plain wristwatch. The Concert will include praise dance, violin, vocal music, and ballroom dance.  Please invite your family and friends.

There will be no school on Monday, April 20, in celebration of our Spring Concert.  School will resume on Tuesday, April 21.


Nuestro festival de la primavera anual está preparado el domingo, 19 de abril a las 15:00 en la capela de la escuela.  Que entienda, los estudiantes necesitan participar en este evento y llevan camisa/blusa de blanca y panteones y zapatos obscuros. Joyas están limitados a aretes y relo simple.  La Festival va a tener danzas, violen, cantos y danzas de salón de baile.  Invite familia y amigos.  


Thanks to those of you who have returned your registration forms and fee. We would love to see 100% of our students return for another great school year. Please note that for current families, the registration fee goes up to $100 after April 15.  It will be assumed that current families will have already requested tuition assistance for 2015-2016. The assistance will then be allocated to new families.  


Información de inscripción fue enviada el primera parte de marzo.  Si quiere inscribir para $50.00 de cada niño/a es necesario Inscribir antes de miércoles, el 15 de abril.  Después 15 de abril inscripción es $100 para cada niño/a.  Nota que asistencia de mensualidad necesita renovar cada ano.    Necesita llama la oficina para una aplicación.  Esperamos con alegría cada estudiante que retorno.


Mass this week is on Friday, April 10, and will be led by Grade 2. This is also our Third Quarter Honor Awards Mass. Know that you are always welcomed to come and celebrate with us.


La Misa está preparada por Clase 2.  ¡Bienvenidos a todos!


Knee-length khaki color walking shorts or capris may now be worn.  Black or white tennis shoes are still a must-have, along with white socks that can be seen. Please take time to review the uniform policy found on pages 22-24 in the handbook.


Pantalones cortes a las rodillas o capris con color de uniforme es otra parte de uniforme en abril y mayo. Zapatas de negro o blanco continúa ser una parte de uniforme con calcetones blabcos. Toma tiempo para mirar otra vez las reglas de uniformes.

Weekly Newsletter – March 31, 2015

Joy is a net of love by which you catch souls. Mother Teresa


Thank you to the sixth graders and Sister Sharon Van Horn, ASC for their dramatization of the Stations of the Cross.   What a prayer-filled way to move into Holy Week.


To Madonna Aldridge, the St. Augustine of Hippo Choir, Extended Day Praise Dancers, Mayor Alvin Parks, and all who joined us in celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Sister Thea Bowman’s passing into eternity. Many blessings and much joy be yours.


It was wonderful seeing so many of you at our Third Quarter Conferences. Thank you for making the effort to come at your scheduled time and listen to all the “exceptional” things about your child and maybe “still needs to be worked on” behaviors. One more quarter to go. Encourage your child(ren) to strive be the best version of themselves each and every day, and end the year on a strong note.


Mass this week is on Wednesday, April 1 and will be led by Grade 3. Know that you are always welcomed to come and celebrate with us.


La Misa está preparada por Clase 3.  ¡Bienvenidos a todos!


Registration packets were sent home the first part of March. We just want to remind you that the deadline for the “early-bird” registration fee of $50.00 per child is Wednesday, April 15.  After April 15, the fee will be $100.00 per child.  Please note that tuition assistance must be applied for every year.  You need to contact the office to receive an application.  We would love to see 100% of our students return for another great school year.


The March Peacemaker Activity will be held on Wednesday, April 1.  Students who have not received an orange WIN slip may be out of uniform, receive a snack, and participate in basketball games in the gym.  Congratulations, Peacemakers!


La actividad para personas de la paz es el miércoles, el 1 de abril. Estudiantes que no reciben un papel naranjado puede no usa uniforme, recibe un snack y participa en juegos de basket en el gimnasio.  Felicidades, personas de la paz.  


Knee-length khaki color walking shorts or capris may now be worn starting tomorrow, April 1.  Black or white tennis shoes are still a must-have, along with white socks that can be seen. Please take time to review the uniform policy found on pages 22-24 in the handbook.

Weekly Newsletter – March 24, 2015

Scatter Joy! Ralph Waldo Emerson


Mass this week is on Wednesday, March 25, and will be led by Grade 4. Know that you are always welcomed to come and celebrate with us.


La Misa está preparada por Clase 4.  ¡Bienvenidos a todos!


A reminder: last week your time for Report Card Conferences was sent home in the Thursday envelope. Report Card Conferences will be held for Grades K-8 on this Thursday, March 26, from 9:00am-8:00p.m.   Remember that students are required to attend the conferences with their parent/guardian.

Please note: All outstanding balances, including the Annual Benefit Dinner fee of $100, must be paid before the conference is held and the report card is issued. A student returns to school ONLY after the conference is held.


Nota que  el tiempo de conferencias fue enviado en el sobre de la semana pasado. Conferencias están el para estudiantes de K a 8 el jueves, el 26 de marzo 9:00 – 20:00;  Estudiantes y sus padres/cuidadores necesitan participar.

Nota: Es necesario a pagar todos cosas, incluso $100 para Fundo Anual antes las conferencias y recepción de las notas.  Un estudiante viene a clases después la conferencia.


There is no school this Friday, March 27.


No hay clases el viernes, 27 de marzo.


On Monday, March 30, we will celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the passing into eternity of Sister Thea Bowman, FSPA (see enclosed flyer). Although the chapel will be open from 9am-3:30pm for reflection, a special program of prayer, poetry, song, and dance will be celebrated at 1pm. Please come and join our Sister Thea Bowman community in honor of this amazing woman.


El lunes, 20 de marzo, vamos a celebrar el aniversario de 25 anos del descanso de Sister Thea Bowman, FSPA.  A pacer de la capilla está abierto de 9:00 a 15:30 para reflexión, un programa de oración, poemas, canciones esta presentado a las 13:00.  Ven y reunie nuestra Sister Thea Bowman comunidad en  honor de esta hermana especial.


Registration packets for current families were sent home in the last few weeks. Those families who complete the registration and return the packet to the school by April 15 are entitled to a registration fee of $50.00 per child. After April 15, the fee per child is $100.00. Registration is not considered complete until all forms and required documents are filled out and returned with the fee. Tuition assistance is available to our returning families first, then new families. The sooner you return your registration packet, the better chance you have of receiving tuition assistance.


Formularios de inscripción para familias de STBCS llegaron a sus casas la última semana. Las familias que envían la información de inscripción antes el 15 de abril pagan $50.00 para cada estudiante.  Después el 15 de abril necesitan pagar $100.00 para cada estudiante.  La inscripción no es válida hasta toda información y dinero está en la escuela. Asistencia con mensualidad es para nuestras que asistan esta ano primero, entonces familias nuevas.  Inscriba pronto.


The March Peacemaker Activity will be held on Wednesday, April 1.  Students who have not received an orange WIN slip may be out of uniform, receive a snack, and participate in basketball games in the gym.  Congratulations, Peacemakers!


La actividad para personas de la paz es el miércoles, el 1 de abril. Estudiantes que no reciben un papel naranjado puede no usa uniforme, recibe un snack y participa en juegos de basket en el gimnasio.  Felicidades, personas de la paz.

Weekly Newsletter – March 19, 2015

It is in giving of ourselves, emerging from ourselves, that we find true JOY. Pope Francis

Es  en el regalo de mi misma persona que recibo mucha alegría. El Papa Francisco.


Thank you for being a part of our Annual Benefit Dinner and the 25th anniversary celebration of Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School. As the last Catholic school in East St. Louis, we welcome your support. We are especially grateful to those who bought tickets, donated silent auction items, participated in the oral auction, and helped with set-up and clean-up.  We hope that you enjoyed the evening and know that you will always be in our prayers. We look forward to many more years working together. We would also like to give a special thanks to our violinists and Mr. Phil Tinge for the hour of beautiful music. You showcased what we do so well.

Many blessings and much joy to all of you.


Gracias para ser una parte de la Cena Anual de Beneficio y el aniversario de 25 anos de Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School. Como el ultima escuela Católica en E. St. Louis, tenemos gratitud para su apoya.  Especialmente, Tenemos gratitud a Uds. que compraron boletas, donaron ítems para las canastas, participaron en la acucien y ayudaron con preparación y el fin.  Esperamos que le guste el evento.  Conocen que están en nuestras oraciones. Gracias a los violinistas y Senor Phil Tinge para la hora de música bonita.  Muestraron que es parte de nuestra escuela.

Muchas bendiciones a todos. 


Mass this week is on Friday, March 20 and will be led by Grade 5. Know that you are always welcomed to come and celebrate with us.


La Misa está preparada por Clase 5.  ¡Bienvenidos a todos!


There is no bus service on Friday, March 20.


No hay servicios de buses el viernes, el 20 de marzo.


Registration packets for current families were sent home last week. Those families who complete the registration and return the packet to the school by April 15 are entitled to a registration fee of $50.00 per child. After April 15, the fee per child is $100.00. Registration is not considered complete until all forms and required documents are filled out and returned with the fee. Tuition assistance is available to our returning families first, then new families. The sooner you return your registration packet, the better chance you have of receiving tuition assistance.


Formularios de inscripción para familias de STBCS llegaron a sus casas la última semana. Las familias que envían la información de inscripción antes el 15 de abril pagan $50.00 para cada estudiante.  Después el 15 de abril necesitan pagar $100.00 para cada estudiante.  La inscripción no es válida hasta toda información y dinero está en la escuela. Asistencia con mensualidad es para nuestras que asistan esta ano primero, entonces familias nuevas.  Inscriba pronto.  


Please mark your calendar for report card conferences, which will be held for Grades K-8 on Thursday, March 26, from 9:00am-8:00p.m.   Upper Grade families, for the most part, will meet with all their teachers at one time, as well as Grades 4 and 5. Please note that students are required to attend the conferences with their parent/guardian. Your time for the  Report Card Conference is included in this Thursday’s envelope.

Please note: All outstanding balances, including the Annual Benefit Dinner fee of $100, must be paid before the conference is held and the report card is issued. A student returns to school ONLY after the conference is held.


Nota en sus calendarios  el tiempo de conferencias para estudiantes de K a 8 el jueves, el 26 de marzo 9:00 – 20:00;  Estudiantes y sus padres/cuidadores de 6-8 van a encontrar con todos maestros en mismo tiempo y también los de 4 -5.  Nota que estudiantes necesitan participar en conferencies con su padres/cuidadores.  Hay un formulario en este sobre.  

Nota: Es necesario a pagar todos cosas, incluso $100 para Fundo Anual antes las conferencias y recepción de las notas.  Un estudiante viene a clases después la conferencia.


The March Peacemaker Activity will be held on Wednesday, April 1.  Students who have not received an orange WIN slip may be out of uniform, receive a snack, and participate in basketball games in the gym.  Congratulations, Peacemakers!


La actividad para personas de la paz es el miércoles, el 1 de abril. Estudiantes que no reciben un papel naranjado puede no usa uniforme, recibe un snack y participa en juegos de basket en el gimnasio.  Felicidades, personas de la paz.  

Our Annual Benefit Dinner Is Almost Here!


It’s almost here!

This Saturday, March 14, at The Shrine Restaurant in Belleville, we will come together as a community and celebrate all the amazing things that are accomplished at Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School and help make sure that we continue to make a difference for the families we serve. This Annual Fundraiser begins with a Silent Auction/Social Hour starting at 6pm followed by dinner and an Oral Auction.

Thanks to those of you who returned your money for the two tickets for the Annual Benefit Dinner. As you are aware, each family is required to purchase or sell two tickets to the dinner, or pay a $100.00 fundraising fee.

Thanks, also, to those who have volunteered to donate a basket or silent auction item.

Baskets are on display in the main entrance.  For those who plan to donate a basket or another item, please send it no later than Thursday, March 12.

Violinists who are part of the entertainment should be at The Shrine Restaurant by 5:30pm., dressed in black slacks, white shirts/blouses and dark shoes.  Jewelry is limited to stud earrings and a plain watch.  *Please remind your child that this is a privilege and only the “best-version” of themselves will be accepted.

Looking forward to seeing you all there.


Una semana y un poco mas 

Gracias a Uds. que envían el dinero para dos boletos para la Cena de Beneficio el 14 de marzo. Que conoce, caca familia necesita comprar o vender dos boletos a la cena o paga $100.00.  Boletos que no usa necesita retornar a la escuela.  Va a ayudar cuantas personas comerán la cena.

También, gracias a Uds. que ofrecen su participación en crece canastas para el aucción. Necesitamos mucho más. Considera  compartir su tiempo y tesoro con nosotras para hacer esta Cena mejor.  La alegría es en nuestra compartimos 

Las canastas están en la entrada de la escuela..  Para los que quieren donar una canasta u otro ítem, envía antes de 12 de marzo.

Los estudiantes que tocan violines necesitan están en el Santuario a las 17:30, con su ropa de pantalones negros, camisas/blusas blancas, y zapatos obscuros.  No lleva con joyas excepto aretes simples y reloj.  Da cuenta a su hijo/a que esta es un privilegio y el comportamiento está muy bien.

Weekly Newsletter – March 11, 2015

Joy is in the Giving!


It’s almost here!

This Saturday, March 14, at The Shrine Restaurant in Belleville, we will come together as a community and celebrate all the amazing things that are accomplished at Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School and help make sure that we continue to make a difference for the families we serve. This Annual Fundraiser begins with a Silent Auction/Social Hour starting at 6pm followed by dinner and an Oral Auction.

Thanks to those of you who returned your money for the two tickets for the Annual Benefit Dinner. As you are aware, each family is required to purchase or sell two tickets to the dinner, or pay a $100.00 fundraising fee.

Thanks, also, to those who have volunteered to donate a basket or silent auction item.

Baskets are on display in the main entrance.  For those who plan to donate a basket or another item, please send it no later than Thursday, March 12.

Violinists who are part of the entertainment should be at The Shrine Restaurant by 5:30pm., dressed in black slacks, white shirts/blouses and dark shoes.  Jewelry is limited to stud earrings and a plain watch.  *Please remind your child that this is a privilege and only the “best-version” of themselves will be accepted.

Looking forward to seeing you all there.


Una semana y un poco mas 

Gracias a Uds. que envían el dinero para dos boletos para la Cena de Beneficio el 14 de marzo. Que conoce, caca familia necesita comprar o vender dos boletos a la cena o paga $100.00.  Boletos que no usa necesita retornar a la escuela.  Va a ayudar cuantas personas comerán la cena.

También, gracias a Uds. que ofrecen su participación en crece canastas para el aucción. Necesitamos mucho más. Considera  compartir su tiempo y tesoro con nosotras para hacer esta Cena mejor.  La alegría es en nuestra compartimos 

Las canastas están en la entrada de la escuela..  Para los que quieren donar una canasta u otro ítem, envía antes de 12 de marzo.

Los estudiantes que tocan violines necesitan están en el Santuario a las 17:30, con su ropa de pantalones negros, camisas/blusas blancas, y zapatos obscuros.  No lleva con joyas excepto aretes simples y reloj.  Da cuenta a su hijo/a que esta es un privilegio y el comportamiento está muy bien.


Congratulations!   Our 6th – 8th Graders have been working since November on Science Fair Projects. Last week, judges from Boeing Corporation and Lindenwood University judged the students project displays. The winners, in order from first place to third place were:  6th Grade, Laura Johnson, Tarail Swygeart, and Chenyia Brown; 7th Grade, Malynnda Aldridge-Johnson, Ajazla Moore, and Jannya Robinson; 8th Grade, Valerie Bownes, De’Ariah Collier, and Elizabeth Pearson. Honorable Mentions went to Mahogany Bonner, Booker T. Grisby III, Alisea Killiebrew, Ernice Thrash, and Spencer Hibbler-Harlan.

First and second place winners will compete at the Greater Belleville Science Fair on Saturday, March 14, at SWIC’s Intramural Gym. The public can view the projects from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM on Saturday.

¡Felicidades! Nuestro estudiantes en sexto a octavo grado han estado trabajando desde noviembre en Los Proyectos de la Feria de Ciencias. La semana pasada los jueces de Boeing Corporation y de la Universidad de Lindenwood juzgados las pantallas de proyectos de los estudiantes. Los ganadores fueron el fin del primer lugar al tercer lugar: 6to Grado, Laura Johnson, Tarail Swygeart y Chenyia Brown; Séptimo grado, Malynnda Aldridge-Johnson, Ajazla Moore, y Jannya Robinson; Octavo grado, Valerie Bownes, De’Ariah Collier, y Elizabeth Pearson. Menciones honoríficas fueron a Mahogany Bonner, Booker T. Grisby III, Alisea Killiebrew, Ernice Thrash, and Spencer Hibbler-Harlan.
   Los ganadores del primer y segundo lugar competirán en la Gran Feria de Ciencias de Belleville el sábado 14 de marzo, en el Gimnasio Intramural de SWIC. El público puede ver los proyectos 9:00 a.m.-3:00 PM este sábado.


Mass this week is on Thursday, March 12 and will be led by Grade 6. Know that you are always welcomed to come and celebrate with us.


La Misa está preparada por Clase 7.  ¡Bienvenidos a todos!


There is no school this Friday, March 13, due to a staff meeting and Professional Learning Teams.


There is no bus service on Friday, March 20.


Registration packets for current families are being sent home today along with the Thursday envelope. Those families who complete the registration and return the packet to the school by April 15 are entitled to a registration fee of $50.00 per child. After April 15, the fee per child is $100.00. Registration is not considered complete until all forms and required documents are filled out and returned with the fee. Tuition assistance is available to our returning families first, then new families. The sooner you return your registration packet, the better chance you have of receiving tuition assistance.


Formularios de inscripción para familias de STBCS vayan a sus casas la próxima semana. Las familias que envían la información de inscripción antes el 15 de abril pagan $50.00 para cada estudiante.  Después el 15 de abril necesitan pagar $100.00 para cada estudiante.  La inscripción no es válida hasta toda información y dinero está en la escuela.


An Open House for potential new school families will be held on Tuesday, March 17.  Open House times are 8:30a.m.-11:30a.m. and 1:00p.m.-3:00p.m.  You are our best ambassadors to others about our school.  Please invite those you know who have grade school students to consider attending this event.  Have them contact the school office at 618-397-0316 to sign up to visit.


Una casa abierta para familias nuevas que tienen interés está planificada para el martes, 17 de marzo a las 8:30 a 11:30 y 13:00 a 15:00.  Uds. están los embajadores mejores sobre nuestra escuela.  Por favor, invita las familias que tienen estudiantes a asistir en este evento.  Invitan estos a llaman la oficina (618-397-0316) para confirmación.


Please mark your calendar for report card conferences, which will be held for Grades K-8 on Thursday, March 26, from 9:00am-8:00p.m.   Upper Grade families, for the most part, will meet with all their teachers at one time, as well as Grades 4 and 5. Please note that students are required to attend the conferences with their parent/guardian. A Report Card Conference form is included in this Thursday’s envelope. Please fill out this form for each child’s teacher and return Monday, March 16. The sooner it is return, the better chance you have of getting the time you want.

Please note: All outstanding balances must be paid before the conference is held and the report card is issued. A student returns to school ONLY after the conference is held. 

Weekly Newsletter – March 5, 2015

“Joy is not in things, it is in us.” Richard Wagner

“La alegría no es en cosas, es en nosotros.” 


One week and counting!

Thanks to those of you who returned your money for the two tickets for the March 14th Annual Benefit Dinner. As you are aware, each family is required to purchase or sell two tickets to the dinner, or pay a $100.00 fundraising fee.  Tickets that will not be used should be returned to school.  This will help us have a more accurate meal count for the caterer.

Thanks, also, to those who have volunteered to donate a basket or silent auction item. We are in need of many more, so please consider sharing your “time or treasure” with us to make this Benefit Dinner the very best.  Joy is in the giving!

Baskets are on display in the main entrance.  For those who plan to donate a basket or another item, please send it no later than Thursday, March 12.

Violinists who are part of the entertainment should be at The Shrine Restaurant by 5:30pm., dressed in black slacks, white shirts/blouses and dark shoes.  Jewelry is limited to stud earrings and a plain watch.  *Please remind your child that this is a privilege and only the “best-version” of themselves will be accepted.


Una semana y un poco mas 

Gracias a Uds. que envían el dinero para dos boletos para la Cena de Beneficio el 14 de marzo. Que conoce, caca familia necesita comprar o vender dos boletos a la cena o paga $100.00.  Boletos que no usa necesita retornar a la escuela.  Va a ayudar cuantas personas comerán la cena.

También, gracias a Uds. que ofrecen su participación en crece canastas para el aucción. Necesitamos mucho más. Considera  compartir su tiempo y tesoro con nosotras para hacer esta Cena mejor.  La alegría es en nuestra compartimos 

Las canastas están en la entrada de la escuela..  Para los que quieren donar una canasta u otro ítem, envía antes de 12 de marzo.

Los estudiantes que tocan violines necesitan están en el Santuario a las 17:30, con su ropa de pantalones negros, camisas/blusas blancas, y zapatos obscuros.  No lleva con joyas excepto aretes simples y reloj.  Da cuenta a su hijo/a que esta es un privilegio y el comportamiento está muy bien.


Sister Thea will have something new for the next school year 2015-16.  It is a fund raiser called “Out of Uniform Day”.  By purchasing a coupon book, the student or teacher can be out of uniform one day a month on a designated day.  Cost of the coupon book is $20.00 per student/teacher or $30.00 per family. The students will bring the monthly coupon to school on the day designated as “Out of Uniform Day”. Coupon books can be purchased the night of the

Annual Benefit Dinner or up to the beginning of the next school year.  Coupon books that are paid for at the Benefit Dinner will be distributed at the beginning of the next school year.  The administration will set a cut-off date for when purchasing the books will end.  Administration will determine which day of the month will be the “Out of Uniform Day”.  It will be the same day each month.  So be sure to stop by the table at the Annual Benefit Dinner Auction and sign up for your student/s.


Nuestra escuela está planificado algo Nuevo para el próximo ano, 2015-2016.  Es una manera para más fundos llamada “Sin Uniformes.  Cuando comprar un libro de cupones, el estudiante o maestra puede estar  sin uniforme un día especial cada mes.  El costo de libro de cupones es $20.00 per estudiante/maestra o $30.00 per familia.  Los estudiantes traerán un cupón a la escuela en el día que está declarada “Sin Uniforme” Libros de Cupones pueden comprar en la noche de Aucción o antes comenzamos el próximo ano.  Si compra un libro la noche de la Cena recibirá  antes primer día de escuela en agosto.  La Administración decidirá cuando no vende libros de cupones.  También, la Administración decidirá que día (misma cada mes) esta no uniforme día.


Mass this week will be led by Grade 7. Know that you are always welcomed to come and celebrate with us.


La Misa está preparada por Clase 7.  ¡Bienvenidos a todos!


Registration packets for current families will go home next week. Those families who complete the registration and return the packet to the school by April 15 are entitled to a registration fee of $50.00 per child. After April 15, the fee per child is $100.00. Registration is not considered complete until all forms and required documents are filled out and returned with the fee.


Formularios de inscripción para familias de STBCS vayan a sus casas la próxima semana. Las familias que envían la información de inscripción antes el 15 de abril pagan $50.00 para cada estudiante.  Después el 15 de abril necesitan pagar $100.00 para cada estudiante.  La inscripción no es válida hasta toda información y dinero está en la escuela.


An Open House for potential new school families will be held on Tuesday, March 17.  Open House times are 8:30a.m.-11:30a.m. and 1:00p.m.-3:00p.m.  You are our best ambassadors to others about our school.  Please invite those you know who have grade school students to consider attending this event.  Have them contact the school office at 618-397-0316 to sign up to visit.


Una casa abierta para familias nuevas que tienen interés está planificada para el martes, 17 de marzo a las 8:30 a 11:30 y 13:00 a 15:00.  Uds. están los embajadores mejores sobre nuestra escuela.  Por favor, invita las familias que tienen estudiantes a asistir en este evento.  Invitan estos a llaman la oficina (618-397-0316) para confirmación.

Weekly Newsletter – February 19, 2015

We need joy as we need air.
We need love as we need water.
We need each other as we need the earth to share.

Maya Angelou


I want to thank all of you: students, staff, and parents/guardians for your prayers for my family. My mother passed last Thursday, February 12, at the age of 92. Her life was filled with the raising of 10 children and her deep faith in Jesus Christ. She has gone on to be with my dad and many family members in the glory of the Lord. I truly felt during my time in Michigan the love and support of my STBCS family. The students have been so kind on my return, giving me cards and hugs. I know why I teach in a Catholic school-God is allowed into all we do and say. One fifth grade student empathized with my loss: I am sorry for the loss of your mother. I went through it but be strong, trust God, and you can do it. (Antowan Chairs) Blessings, Antowan, and all who sent prayers my way. God will help us through; my mother’s faith is alive in me.  Ms. Mary


Lent began Wednesday with the celebration of Mass and the blessing of ashes which were then placed on our foreheads in the sign of the cross. This is a sign that we are Christians and are entering a holy season of preparation for Easter. During Lent we will focus on prayer, almsgiving, and fasting. Students wrote out their intentions for the season and placed them in a basket. Ask them what they will do during this holy season to prepare themselves for Christ’s resurrection?


Three weeks and counting!

Thanks to those of you who returned your money for the two tickets for the March 14th Annual Benefit Dinner. As you are aware, each family is required to purchase or sell two tickets to the dinner, or pay a $100.00 fundraising fee.  Tickets that will not be used should be returned to school.  This will help us have a more accurate meal count for the caterer.

Thanks, also, to those who have volunteered to donate a basket or silent auction item. We are in need of many more, so please consider sharing your “time or treasure” with us to make this Benefit Dinner the very best.  Joy is in the giving!


Third quarter progress reports will be sent home with your child on Monday.   Also note that all outstanding balances for tuition, meals and Extended Day must be paid in order for this report to be sent.  Please contact the school office for more information.


February Peacemaker Activity will be Friday, February 27.  If your child was a peacemaker throughout February, they may be out of uniform and will participate in a special activity.  Those who were not peacemakers will be in uniform and attend a Second Step class to help build on the skills needed to stay a peacemaker.


On Monday, March 2, there will be no bus service. Although District 189 does not have school that day, we do!  Thank you for the effort you make to have your child here on time and ready to learn.

A Special Visitor

Our 7th graders recently welcomed a special “visitor” to STBCS!


Weekly Newsletter – February 5, 2015

…the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” Galatians 5:22

…las frutas del Espíritu son amor, alegría, paz, paciencia, generosidad, fidelidad, suavidad, y control de misma persona.”  Gal 5:22


Just a few of the reflections from our families and students during Catholic Schools Week. Please come in and read all the reflections posted in the hallway.

I appreciate what is being taught to both of my children about faith.  The knowledge that they’ve both picked up is outstanding.

Catholic education helps me know how to be useful to others and helpful.  The teachers use manners unlike any other school I’ve been to.

Catholic education has helped me grow in my people skills.  I still disagree with others, but I try to do it respectfully.

Catholic education helps me grow in my knowledge because I get to learn about different subjects.  I get to learn about Second Step, which is to be a good person.

I appreciate all of the hard work and dedication that is given to the students.  I’ve noticed a change in how my daughter is interested in Religion and being a better student.


Hay unas reflexiones de nuestras familias y estudiantes durante la Semana de Escuelas Católicas.  Ven y lee todas reflexiones en el pasaje.

Tengo gratitud que esta ensenando a ambos de mis niños sobre la Fe.  El conocimiento es muy beneficial para mis niños.

La educación Católica me ayuda conocer como mi participación en servicio a otros.  Los maestros usan respecto como nadie en otros escuelas.

La educación Católica me ayuda en la capacidad del tratamiento de otros.  Continuo sin pensar diferente de otros pero trato hacer con respecto.

La educación Católica me ayuda crecer en mi conocimiento sobre muchas temas.  Hubo aprendido del ‘Segundo Paso’ que me ayuda crecer como una persona bien.

Tengo gratitud todo trabajo duro y dedicación que recibe los estudiantes.  Hubo noto un cambio en mi niña con más interés en Religión y crece en los estudios.


In celebration of Black History Month, students and staff are learning about African American scientists, educators, authors, athletes, entertainers, and artists. Please ask your child to share with you some of the knowledge that is being shared at Morning Prayer and throughout the day.


En la celebración del Mes de Historia de los Negritos, los estudiantes y el Equipo están aprendido del Afro-Americanos en ciencia, educación, autores, atletas, y artistas. Pregunto a sus niños que aprenden de esta en la Oración de la Mañana y en todo el día. 


Information regarding our March 14th Annual Benefit Dinner and the two tickets each family is required to buy or sell are enclosed.  Our planning committee meets at school at 3:45pm. Please call the school if you are interested in helping. We are in need of parent/guardian input.  Thanks, in advance, for helping us make this a great success. Benefit Helpers Form


Información sobre nuestra Cena Anual de Beneficio, el 14 de marzo, y los dos boletos que cada familia necesita comprar o vende están en este sobre.  Nuestro comité que planifica reunía en la escuela a las 15:45.  Llama la escuela si tiene interés en ayuda.  Necesitamos participación de padres y custodies para un cena excelente.


Mass this week will be led by Grade 3. Please know that you are always welcome to join us at 8:30am in the chapel.


La Misa esta semana está preparada por la clase tres.   Todos están invitados a la 8:30 el viernes


The 4th Session of Extended Day ends next Thursday, February 12. If you are interested in your child participating in Session 5, please fill out the attached form and return with your payment by Thursday, February 12. Session 5 begins Tuesday, February 17, 2015.


La cuatro sesión de Día Extendido termino el jueves, 12 de febrero.  Si tiene interés en la participación de su niño/a en Sesión 5, cumple el formulario y envía con su dinero el jueves el 12 de febrero. Sesión 5 comenzara el martes, 17 de febrero, 2015.


In celebration of Valentine’s Day on Thursday, February 12th, students are invited to wear a Valentine accessory with their uniform, such as a red ribbon, valentine-themed pin, a piece of red jewelry, red socks, shoes, or shirt. Thanks for making sure the item is age and Catholic school appropriate.


En la celebración del día de Valentine el jueves, 12 de febrero, los estudiantes están invitados a llevar un cosa  de Valentine con el uniforme, como una cinta de roja, adorno de Valentine, un joyo rojo, calcetines rojos, zapatos rejos o camisa.  Gracias para usa cosas apropiado.  


There is no school on Friday, February 13 due to Staff Meeting/Professional Learning Communities and Monday, February 16, in honor of President’s Day.


No hay clases el viernes, el 13 de febrero porque tenemos una reunión del Equipo.  No hay clases el lunes, 16 de febrero en honor del Día de Presidentes.