Weekly Newsletter – August 17, 2017


Thank You God for wonderful students with bright smiles and excited energy for this new school year! Thank You God for wonderful families ready to support their children to get the best education possible! Thank You God for wonderful teachers and staff that will care for your children and will help them grow! Let us strive to be Shooting Stars for God!!!

We want to help our students to be Shooting Stars for God, so they can wow people as they show their Christian Values through actions and words! Help us nourish their spiritual growth and let’s watch them SHINE!

Students arriving from 7:15 – 7:35 report to the cafeteria. All other students should be at the front doors by 7:45. We start prayer at 8:00. Please help your child be prepared for the day by arriving at 7:45, so they have time to unpack in their rooms, get settled, and then arrive for prayer with their class.

Students are dismissed at 3:30pm. Kindergarten through fourth grade leave from the front of the school while the older students in grades 5-8 will dismiss from the back. Know that students are always supervised by staff members, and they are not allowed to cross the street if you park across from the school. Your child’s safety is top priority for our Sister Thea Bowman family.

Please review uniform requirements from your handbook. We start to enforce the rules next week, so please do not let your student come to school without checking if they meet the standards. Key items: Belts (Brown or Black, Plain Buckle), Socks (White), Headbands (Girls: Plain, flowers, etc), No Nail Polish or Lip Gloss.

Thank you for returning the signed Handbook Verification, Concussion and Internet Use forms. They were included in the family packet. If you still need any of these forms, please send a note with your child for the office.

Buses started today. For bus riders, you should have received notification of pick-up/drop-off times and locations for your children. If not, please contact the office.

Don’t forget to complete the application for free/reduced meals and return it as soon as possible. The deadline for the application is Friday, September 1. Please note that failure to return a completed application form will result in full priced meals.

The Extended Day program for students in grades K-8 program runs Monday through Friday from 3:30pm-5:00pm. If interested, please return the enclosed registration form and fee by Tuesday, Aug 22. Extended Day begins on August 22nd.

Please return all field trip forms by Friday. Remember to have students at school between 6:30 AM and 6:45 AM on Monday, so we can feed them and leave by 7:00 AM.

Several families asked if we could change the SMART TUITION date that money is pulled from accounts to avoid issues when months have 31 days. Starting immediately, all SMART TUITION withdrawals will occur on the first day of the month. So your next withdrawal is September 1, not August 30.

Our first peacemaker activity for the year is August 31. As a special incentive, students who are Peacemakers during August (no major discipline issues) will attend a Peacemaker Activity on Thursday, August 31, at 2pm. Ice cream might be involved!

Our first Mass for the year will be Friday, September 8, at 8:30 AM. in the chapel. You are welcome to join us for this Mass, as well as all Masses held throughout the year. Ordinarily, our Masses are every Friday at 8:30a.m. Please check the calendar for any alternative dates.

There will be NO SCHOOL on Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 4. School will resume on Tuesday, Sept. 5.

We have a few positions open at our school. If you are interested or know a qualified person, please contact the office. All positions require the applicant to complete an application, interview, Child Protection Training, and background check. Pay is hourly.

  • Lunch/recess monitor: M – F from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM. Requirements: Good interaction with kids.
  • 4th Grade Religion Teacher: M – Th from 2:15 – 3:00 PM. Requirements: Catholic, PSR teacher experience helpful.
  • Extended Day 6-8th Grade: M – F from 3:30 – 5:00 PM. Requirements: College Degree. Preferred experience in 6th – 8th grade teaching or high school.

Congratulations 2017 Graduate, Alex!

Congratulations 2017 Graduate, Alex!

2017 graduate, Alex, received several awards including the Presidential Academic Excellence Award, $1,000 scholarship to Althoff High School, as well as Peacemaker all Year, Violin Dinner Performance, Best Sportsmanship, National Junior Honor Society member and he participated in Robotics in our after school Extended Day program. Congratulations Alex!

Class of 2017 Graduate, Alex, with Sr. Kathleen Murray, DC, assistant to the principal.

2017 Graduate, Alex, with mom and dad and sister (far right). Alex received the Presidential Academic Excellence Award and a $1,000 scholarship to Althoff Catholic High School, he and his sister will both be attending Althoff this fall.

Congratulations to the Graduating Class of 2017

Congratulations to the Graduating Class of 2017

The church was filled with students, families, staff and supporters from our community to celebrate mass and witness the Class of 2017 receiving their diplomas.

Our graduates will be attending Althoff Catholic High School, Belleville West, East St. Louis Charter High and other area schools. One young man will be joining the freshman class of 2017, at Saint Louis University High School this fall. We are proud of all of their accomplishments.

Awards and Recognition: Our students received various recognition in many areas including being Peacemaker All Year, National Junior Honor Society, “Boys To Men Excellence Award” and “Girlz Empowered Commitment to Excellence”, Violin Special Group and Liturgical Dance Ministry. They participated in Theater, Robotics, Community Service Projects and Spelling Bee among others. Awards received included National Fitness, Best Sportsmanship and Presidential Fitness Award. Students also participated in extracurricular activities including basketball.

Please take a moment to read our graduate’s reflections to learn what our school means to them.

“After I learned the violin, it felt magical and peaceful. It was an instrument of peace just like we should be an instrument of God and His will.” (Martin)

“I want to make a difference in this world by becoming an engineer. I want to develop technology to benefit this world and give back to the community and my family in Mexico.” (Alex)

“I thank Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School for helping me discover myself. When I first got here, I was in everybody else’s shadow. As I grew throughout my years here, I became a leader.” (Chenyia)

“I remember when I came to Sister Thea Bowman in kindergarten. My favorite memory … was when I would always try to be the first in line so I could get on the swings first. I thank Mrs. Mary for teaching me about grit…not ever giving up.” (Chloe)

“Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School has helped me grow in my faith by helping me build a bond with God, by teaching me scriptures, and by encouraging me to pray every day.” (Deonte’)

“My faith has grown so much since I came to this school. The teachers here have led me to where I want to be. They’ve shown me how to use my faith and trust in God to do things beyond what I thought I could do.” (Jackie)

“When I got here, I was greeted with peace and love. I have never seen teachers so happy to see a person they didn’t know. I want to thank God. He is the one who brought me through a lot of commotion.” (Jairen)

“Being at Sister Thea Bowman has drawn me closer to God. I want to make a difference by giving back to communities, such as, East Saint Louis.” (James)

“I want to make a difference in the world by making people not doubt themselves, and making sure they’re not trying to be somebody they are not.” (Korey)

“This school has taught me a lot about myself. I believe God is calling me to be more than ordinary but extraordinary.” (Keenan)


If you would like to learn more about our school, volunteer or sponsor a student’s tuition, please email or call, Email: roberta_trost@yahoo.com or Phone: 618-397-0316

Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School Wellness Program

Student wellness, including good nutrition and physical activity, shall be promoted in the school’s educational program, school activities, and meal programs. This policy shall be interpreted consistently with Section 204 of the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004.

SISTER THEA BOWMAN CATHOLIC SCHOOL is committed to providing a learning environment that supports and promotes wellness, good nutrition, and an active lifestyle for students, staff, and families.


The intent of this policy is to support the entire school environment in becoming aligned to healthy school goals that positively influence the beliefs and habits of students, staff, and families. Its intent is to promote health and wellness, good nutrition and regular physical activity. This policy also intends to provide staff members and families with the information and tools to instruct and model healthy eating and physical activity as a valuable part of daily life.


STBCS committed to compliance with the legal requirements of Public Act 094- 0199 which amended the   Illinois School Code, requiring that all districts have a wellness policy.  This is directly related to the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004.  This law requires local education agencies participating in a program authorized by the National School Lunch Act or the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 to develop a local wellness policy.

It is well-documented that an increasing and substantial number of children are overweight (a triple increase since 1980, according to the National Center for Health Statistics). Students need to exhibit good eating habits and have opportunities for adequate physical activity. The objectives of the wellness policy are to improve the school nutrition environment and promote good health with students, staff, and families.

School communities have the responsibility to help students acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to establish and maintain lifelong healthy lifestyles.  Well-planned and well-implemented wellness programs have been shown to positively influence children’s health.


Students in kindergarten through grade 8 shall receive nutrition education. The program shall be designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to adopt healthy eating behaviors.

  • Students shall receive nutrition information through existing health and science and physical education curriculum
  • Nutrition education should be provided to students each year. Contact hours may include nutrition education provided in health classes, in the cafeteria, at health and career fairs, field trips and assemblies.
  • Nutrition education shall be emphasized at the district, school, and classroom levels through a variety of media.
  • Examples: Posters, color-coded healthy food choices, and promotional events.
  • The nutrition education program shall offer experiential learning opportunities that potentially have a greater impact on student attitudes and actions.
  • Examples: Food tastings, family nutrition programs, sugar content studies, etc.
  • Staff members and parents will be offered training materials or other resources to assist in providing direction to students in the area of nutrition education.
  • Examples: Web resources, newsletter, presentations, etc. GOALS FOR PHYSICAL ACTIVITY
  • Students in kindergarten through grade 8 shall participate twice weekly in physical education and have other opportunities for daily physical activity.
  • The school shall provide a daily supervised recess period to encourage elementary students to be physically active.
  • STBCS shall provide information and activities that engage families as partners in providing physical activity beyond the school day.
  • Examples include: family nutrition night, health fairs, open gym dates, newsletters with health tips, presentations to parent groups, etc.


Healthy Eating

  • The food service will make information available about the nutritional content of school meals.
  • School meals shall be served in clean, safe and pleasant settings with adequate time provided for students to eat in accordance with state and federal standards and guidelines.
  • All food service personnel shall have adequate pre-service training and regularly participate in professional development.
  • Food providers shall work with suppliers to obtain foods and beverages that meet the nutrition requirements of school meals and nutrition standards for those sold individually.
  • Food providers shall work closely with school instructional staff to reinforce nutrition instruction and foster an environment where students can learn about and practice healthy eating.
  • Food providers shall take every measure to ensure that student access to foods and beverages on school campuses meets federal, state and local laws and guidelines.
  • Students, parents, school staff and community members bringing foods and beverages to school for parties/celebrations/meetings shall be encouraged to provide healthful options
  • Schools will review fundraising sources and how they might be consistent with school nutrition goals.
  • Partnerships between schools and food businesses should emphasize compliance with nutrition standards.
  • Schools shall promote nutritious food and beverage choices consistent with the current Food Guide Pyramid such as fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy foods and whole grain products.

School Activities and Environment – Physical Activity

  • Teachers of physical education will be provided training support and material resources to ensure the implementation of quality physical education activities.
  • Physical education classes shall have a student to teacher ratio comparable to those in other curricular areas.
  • Physical activity facilities and equipment on school grounds shall be regularly inspected for safety.

Food or Physical Activity as a Reward or Punishment

  • School personnel shall be encouraged to use nonfood incentives or rewards with students and shall not withhold food from students as punishment.
  • School personnel shall avoid withholding participation in physical education class as a punishment, unless the student is determined to be a disruptive influence in that class.



School meals served shall be consistent with the recommendations of the Food Guide Pyramid and/or shall meet, at a minimum, the nutrition requirements and regulations for the National School Lunch Program and/or School Breakfast Program and all applicable state and local laws and regulations.

  • The school food service department will be responsible in its planning and       record-keeping procedures for following federal, state and local laws and regulations.
  • The PRINCIPAL shall be responsible for ensuring that the school meets the local wellness policy requirements.

Weekly Newsletter – May 18, 2017

Our students are still working hard and looking forward to a well-deserved break. You may want to look into Summer Camps, Reading Programs, or other ways to help your students keep their minds active this summer. Need ideas? Ask your teachers.

Registration Packets are available. If you know interested families, please bring them by, or contact Ms. Francine.

We finished 10 garden boxes for the “Community Garden”, and classes are planting. Also, our Monarch Butterfly Memorial garden is almost done. Please come out and see it and join the gardening team.

If you have not turned in the Registration Fee of $25 per family, please do so as soon as possible. Summer School is Monday – Thursday from June 5 to June 29. The session runs from 8:30 – 12:15. Lunch is provided

Our Students Do!!!  They can sign up for a talent show on May 27th. See the flyer for details!

Our ten 8th graders will graduate during our Graduation Mass, Friday, May 19, at 8:30.

Our staff will be here over the summer after Summer School is done. Please call and leave a message, and we will get back with you as soon as we can.

May 26th is our last day of school, and we have a Field Day of sports and activities. We also have a 12:30 dismissal.

There are no buses on Friday, May 19, due to District 189 celebration of Malcom X Day.

Spring Concert on May 7

Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School
Invites you to our

Spring Concert

Dress Rehearsal
Friday, May 5, 2017
10:00 a.m.


Sunday Event
Sunday, May 7, 2017
3:00 p.m.

In addition – mark your calendar to attend our
Graduation Mass
Friday, May 19, 2017
8:30 a.m.

All events located at 8213 Church Lane Chapel
East St. Louis, IL 62203

To learn more information about our school, please email or call
Email: roberta_trost@yahoo.com
Phone: 618-397-0316

Our students look forward to seeing you soon!

Weekly Newsletter – March 23, 2017


Lent calls us to give as we prepare for Easter. Since “most” of our students are not rich in money terms, we discussed other ways they could give. We are encouraging our students to give simple gifts like smiles, and we have asked them to also give forgiveness. Jesus told Peter to forgive “not seven, but seventy-seven times”, and so we also ask the students to forgive others in their classrooms, who may have offended them. This is good to also encourage at home.


Do you need that LENTEN Wake-Up Call, so you are ready for EASTER MORNING? Why not join us for a true Revival with Rev. Maurice Nutt? It runs Mon, Apr 3 to Wed, Apr 5, with each night starting at 7 PM. The Revival takes place at St Augustine of Hippo Church, 400 Rev Joseph Brown Blvd, East St Louis. Have your student write the Revival Priest’s name on a piece of paper and give it to Mr. Nickerson before 8 AM.


We had a great Benefit Dinner last Saturday. Many, many thank yous to all who attended and helped make it a success!


Registration Packets are available this week. We are putting them together, and will be sending them home to all the families that signed a Letter of Intent for next year. If you do not receive one today or Friday, please contact the office.


Start to mark your calendars! We will offer Dental Cleaning and Exams at school on May 10th. All students can be seen by professional dental staff. Children with a medical card or are on free and reduced lunch are free. All others can participate by using their insurance coverage or cash. This is a great way to keep our students healthy!


We are starting to see a lot more cell phones at school. Cell phones are never allowed at school, unless written permission from the principal is given. They are not allowed to be used on buses either. If your child does use a smart phone at home, DO THEM A FAVOR and check it often to see what they have been doing. It will help keep them safe from some darker sides of the Internet and Social Media.

24   Mar     Mass 5th Grade, 3rd Qtr Awards after Mass
31   Mar     March Madness Peacemaker Day, Mass 4th Grade
3-5 Apr     Annual Revival, St Augustine of Hippo, 7 PM nightly.
3    Apr     Extended Day, Final Session Begins
4    Apr      Lenten Reconciliation Mass 2:30 – 3:00
7    Apr      Grade 3 Mass, 4th Qtr Midterm
10 – 12 Apr  Iowa Spring Testing
10 – 13 Apr  No buses
13    Apr Mass Gr 2
14 – 23 Apr  Easter Break

Weekly Newsletter – March 16, 2017


Lent calls us to pray as we prepare for Easter. Our students pray each day; in the morning, before lunch, and at the end of the day. Do they pray at home? Do they pray with the family? Will you pray with your student at the house, or ask another family member to help them add prayer at home. It is amazing how God answers even the simplest of prayers.
Matthew 18:20  “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”


Do you need that LENTEN Wake-Up Call, so you are ready for EASTER MORNING? Why not join us for a true Revival with Rev. Maurice Nutt? It runs Mon, Apr 3 to Wed, Apr 5, with each night starting at 7 PM. The Revival takes place at St Augustine of Hippo Church, 400 Rev Joseph Brown Blvd, East St Louis.


We had a great Benefit Dinner last Saturday. Many, many thank yous to all who attended and helped make it a success!


Packets will be available the week after Report Card Conference for returning families. Please fill out a Letter of Intent.


Start to mark your calendars! We will offer Dental Cleaning and Exams at school on May 10th. All students can be seen by professional dental staff. Children with a medical card or are on free and reduced lunch are free.


31 Mar     March Madness Peacemaker Day
3-5 Apr    Annual Revival, St Augustine of Hippo, 7 PM nightly.

Weekly Newsletter – March 9, 2017

As we continue our journey through Lent and seek our destination of Easter and the celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus, we are focused on prayer, fasting, and giving. Our challenge to each class is to start with 15 seconds of silent prayer. 15 seconds??? Yes, it might seem like no time at all, but try this at home to just sit still with your child for 15 seconds to listen for God. It will be challenging, but so rewarding!

May want to check this one out….you may recognize a few “Stars”. Visit the Bellevue New Democrat Online site for this “Good Samaritan” Follow-up:  http://www.bnd.com/news/local/article135445049.html

Please remember to set your clock forward Saturday night! If you forget, you will be one hour late to everything on Sunday! Get students to bed early on Sunday night, because Monday morning will be dark again, as they prepare for school.

We will be cheering for Carre Webster, 6th grade, as she competes in the first round of the Regional Spelling Bee at McKendree University this Saturday. Students: Draw a Spelling Bee and give it to Mr Nickerson before 8 AM Friday.

We look forward to a wonderful Benefit Dinner on the 18th! Thank you for great support and basket items!

Each Ticket is $100, but you can win $10,000, $1,000, or $500 dollars! Can you sell a few tickets at church, to friends, to family? Only 300 tickets are sold, so the odds of winning are better than a lottery! Contact Ms. Karen Waide at the school (618) 397-0316.

3rd Quarter ends next Friday, March 3rd. Report Card Conferences are on Thursday, March 16th. These are mandatory conferences. Sign-up requests are going home today.

There is no school on Thursday, March 16th or Friday, March 17th due to conferences.

Packets will be available at the Report Card Conference for returning families.

Do you appreciate the education we provide at our school? Invite friends and family with grade school age children to our OPEN HOUSE or KINDERGARTEN TEA. Contact the office to set up an appointment 397-0397. YOU are our best advertisement!

OPEN HOUSE and KINDERGARTEN TEA: Wednesday, March 22: 9 -11AM or 1-3 PM
OPEN HOUSE: Thursday, March 23: 4-5 PM

Weekly Newsletter – February 9, 2017


Somebody recently used the term “Alternate Facts”. I was very lucky that during my years in the military, we celebrated Black History Month with activities, luncheons, speeches, and enlightening articles in the military newspaper. Through these experiences, many of the “Alternate Facts” of our American and World History began to be erased, and they were replaced with real facts of a history rich in cultures, accomplishments, and contributions of people of African descent from across our globe. Don’t just celebrate; educate!


Our families are the heart of the Benefit Dinner, whether as guests or volunteers. We have a lot of work to do to make the Dinner a success financially and socially! Without you there, who can really tell our other guests about the impact this school has on your students?  Reserve your tickets now and keep tuition costs low!!! Benefit Dinner is March 18, 2017.


Our students have a wonderful opportunity to enjoy a week in the Summer at camp! Last week, they heard great stories about all the adventures. Camp Ondessonk offers several levels of payment and great scholarships! Check out their website for specifics on the essay needed for the scholarships:  https://ondessonk.com/giving/scholarships/ . Also on May 13th, they have an Open House:  https://ondessonk.com/event/first-time-camper-open-house/ .

SPECIAL COLLECTION:We delivered a car full of needed items to help Syrian families sponsored by the St Louis International Institute. You all were so generous, and we received a heartfelt “Thank You” from the staff and families they serve! Thank you for your warm welcome gift for our “New Americans”!


Celebrate President’s Day with your family!  No school!


SMART TUITION has changed how they do Tax Statements. This year, we cannot print them, so please log onto SMART TUITION, Click on Family Year End Statement after you login, and you can print your statement.


The National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) will hold their Induction Ceremony for all new members on the 6th of Feb immediately following 8:30 mass. All family and friends are warmly invited to attend!