Happy Advent STBCS Family!

Happy Advent STBCS Family!

HAPPY ADVENT Sister Thea Bowman Family!

We have had many challenges this year, as you all know, with our Hybrid education approach. With less than half the students at the school, and the rest on remote, the staff still wanted to move ahead with our school’s Education Through Music and The Arts Program. They also wanted to keep our tradition of ministering during this time with our annual Advent Service.

It looks a little different this year, but through a lot of work by staff, students, and our extended Sister Thea family, we overcame Zoom delays and glitches, windy cold weather, dimming twilight, and COVID quarantines. We continued to “Walk By Faith, Not By Sight”, and God made our path to follow.

A special Thank You to Rev Tracy, Mr Phil, Ms Claire, and Ms Erin for a lot of extras!

Please enjoy the video. It is in 3 parts, based on the YouTube limits, but each is graced with Song, Dance, Violin, and our Students and Staff.

Blessings, Peace, and Health,

Dan Nickerson, Principal

Weekly Newsletter – November 19, 2020


We started some more focused work on a special virtual Advent Service for this year. It is hard to celebrate and prepare for Christmas when we have so many stresses, but we hope to present a gift to our school, families, and communities through an Advent celebration to put our focus back on God with Advent.

We know Thanksgiving is going to be difficult this year, but celebrate and be thankful for those closest to you, and maybe have students write a nice note or draw a picture for those not able to attend your traditional celebration!


If you got a ticket, please redeem it on Monday, November 23:  Pops #3 at 8322 State St between 2:00 and 5:00.


Due to high COVID Numbers, the Sunday event is postponed.

We still have the opportunity to do order forms. They will be due Monday, Nov 30, and pick-up will be Monday, Dec 14 at 3:30 PM. If you need an order form or more information, please contact the school.


Gov Pritzker has moved IL into Phase 4, Tier 3. He has left the school closure decision to each District. We are under the Diocese of Belleville, and as of now, we will continue in the Hybrid mode. If you have a student in-school, and you feel it safer to go remote, please contact the office, so we can make the transition smooth. If a change in school Hybrid mode happens, you will receive a notice from the Principal.


Our school week ends Tuesday with Mass at 2:15, then we are off until Monday, Nov 30. Be Safe; Be Thankful!


Mass attendance is required for all students (in-school and remote). ZOOM ID: 308 416 1793   PW: brtom


If you do not have Spectrum Internet, You Qualify for Free/Reduced Lunch Program, and want to sign up for free Spectrum Internet through a special program, please email Adult’s name, student name(s) and address to info@srthea.org. Put Spectrum Internet in the Subject line. We will put you on the list to pursue the free internet package.

You can also apply for Spectrum Internet for $17.99 per month for households with students qualifying for Free/Reduced Lunch. You can do this directly if you go to: https://www.spectrum.com/browse/content/spectrum-internet-assist. Act quickly!!!


The CDC just announced studies show the Face Mask protects others from your airborne COVID19 virus spread, and it also provides protection to you from COVID19 virus spread from others around you! WEAR YOUR MASKS PLEASE!


We are starting to plan our service! How can you help? Make sure your student attends each Violin class and practices!



20 Mass 2:15 PM (Staff Leads)

24 Mass 2:15 PM (Staff Leads)

25-29 Thanksgiving Break

LIKE our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/theabowmanschool  or our web page at stbcs.com.

If our first line (618) 397-0316 is busy, try our second line (618) 397-4926!

Weekly Newsletter – September 3, 2020


We are about through week two of academics and week three of school. You and your students are doing well to navigate the virtual world of education! We ask you or another adult with the students to team with our teachers and check in on your students at least once an hour. Are they engaged, on task, ready to learn? The more we work as a team, the better our students will do!


For Academics or class issues, we ask you to start with your homeroom or subject teacher. You may use your student’s school email or Google Classroom to correspond with a teacher. If you are not sure or need office assistance, send any questions to info@srthea.org, or call the office at 618 397-0316 / 4926.


In-person students: arrive from 7:15 – 7:35 for breakfast; 7:50 if not eating breakfast; remote students log in by 7:55.


We have requested more HotSpots for families without internet, and we hope to get them soon.  If you need an internet hotspot or desk for your student, please send an email to info@srthea.org.


If a student has an issue, the parent/guardian should send the teacher a message and contact the office.


All families must be enrolled in FACTS by now. Students will not be allowed in class if this is not done. For questions, contact the office or go to: https://online.factsmgt.com/signin/42LK1 . If you are going to have an issue with a payment, contact FACTS first 866-412-4637, then follow-up with Ms. Francine.


There will be NO SCHOOL on Labor Day, Monday, Sep. 7.  School will resume on Tuesday, Sept. 8.

FREE DENTAL CLINIC: Please see the flyer! Monday October 12, 2020, Columbus Day at the SIU School of Dental Medicine. Pre-Registration Required! Please call 618-474-7200 to pre-register. Appointments for October 12th will be accepted starting September 1st . DUE TO COVID-19, NO WALK-INS WILL BE ACCEPTED


We will begin Tuesday with Student Testing in Language Arts and Math using AIMSWeb. It will be a short test done in-person with our in-person students, and via ZOOM with our remote students. Homeroom teachers or staff will let each student know the schedule.


We need to test our students using the IOWA Assessment Testing series. Unfortunately, this will require us to test students at the school. We are working on a plan now to safely allow students to be at school for the testing time


Each Homeroom teacher will host an evening Office Hours weekly, so parents/guardians can ask questions, seek help, or just discuss information with the teacher. Please be sure to attend to keep communication open!


It is very important that you and your family are counted in the CENSUS! If you have not put in your information, please go to: https://2020census.gov/.  America needs your Vote! If you need more information on registering to vote, voting by mail, or if you want to help on Election Day, go to: https://www.illinoisvotes2020.com/.



7 Labor Day. No School

11 First Mass 2:00 PM (Staff Leads)

18 First Quarter Mid-Term; Pinwheels for Peace Project; Mass 2:00 PM (Staff Leads)

21 Iowa Assessment Begins

25         Mass 2:00 PM (Staff Leads)

LIKE our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/theabowmanschool  or our web page at stbcs.com.

If our first line (618) 397-0316 is busy, try our second line (618) 397-4926!

Weekly Newsletter – August 27, 2020


The first week of academics went pretty smoothly! Please help us by having students ready to go. If you are contacted by the teacher or office to pick up resources, please come to the office between 7:15 AM and 5 PM. Also, set up a good academic space for your students. If you need an internet hotspot or desk for your student, please send an email to info@srthea.org.


Each Thursday, you should receive a VIRTUAL Thursday envelope, like this, with important information through Option C. Please read the enclosed information and send any questions to info@srthea.org, or call the office.


In-person students: arrive from 7:15 – 7:35 for breakfast; 7:50 if not eating breakfast; remote students log in by 7:55.


All parents/guardians should update to the new MIINEHEALTH app to record student health.  Call office for questions.


Attendance, including Tardy Counts, have started. If a student has an issue, the parent/guardian should send the teacher a message and contact the office.


In-person students must follow student handbook uniform rules. Remote students must wear a uniform shirt or Sister Thea Sweatshirt.


Don’t forget to complete the application for free/reduced meals and return it as soon as possible. The deadline for the application is Tuesday, September 1.  This is required for all students, so we can continue to receive Federal $$.


All families must be enrolled in FACTS by now. Students will not be allowed in class if this is not done. For questions, contact the office or go to: https://online.factsmgt.com/signin/42LK1 .


There will be NO SCHOOL on Labor Day, Monday, Sep. 7.  School will resume on Tuesday, Sept. 8.


We received a generous donation of milk crates, and we bought some liners, so each student should have one for school supplies. Decorate the crates and send a picture to info@srthea.org , and you may win a prize!!!

ZOOM ETIQUETTE : Please review these important rules with your students!!!


Each Homeroom teacher will host an evening Office Hours weekly, so parents/guardians can ask questions, seek help, or just discuss information with the teacher. Please be sure to attend to keep communication open!



1 Free / Reduced Lunch Worksheet Due

7 Labor Day. No School

11 Mass 2:00 PM (Staff Leads)

18 First Quarter Mid-Term; Pinwheels for Peace Project; Mass 2:00 PM (Staff Leads)

25         Mass 2:00 PM (Staff Leads)

30         Iowa Assessment Begins

LIKE our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/theabowmanschool  or our web page at stbcs.com.

If our first line (618) 397-0316 is busy, try our second line (618) 397-4926!

Weekly Newsletter – August 23, 2020


We opened the school year with joy for having our staff back at school and about 30 students in our Learning Center, but we also felt an emptiness as we missed so many students enrolled in remote learning. We continually pray for a decline and final end to this pandemic, so we can have all students and staff back in school, but for now, we will be grateful that we have you all here, there, and everywhere!


Our Theme this year is: “We Walk By Faith, Not By Sight” From 2 Cor 5:7.  As we went through the end of last school year, and the summer, making, changing, and adapting school reopen plans, it just seemed appropriate to give it back to God, and to start to let God’s hand guide us. We are not always knowing the plan God has, but we can have Faith in Him!


Each Thursday, except this week, you will receive a VIRTUAL Thursday envelope with important information through Option C. Please read the enclosed information and send any questions to info@srthea.org, or call the office. Remember, we have two office lines: 618 397-0316 or 618 397-4926.


In-person students: arrive from 7:15 – 7:35 for breakfast, or by 7:50 if not eating breakfast.

Remote students: Log in for your homeroom class by 7:55.


All parents/guardians of in-person students must register on the MIINEHEALTH app. Students must be cleared before they arrive at school each day starting Monday. Several messages and info has been sent. Call office for questions.


Attendance, including Tardy Counts, will start Monday. Students must be on time and in each session. If a student has an issue, the parent/guardian should send the teacher a message and contact the office.

While we have not worked through all technical issues, we should be close as you have access to the student schedules, Zoom information, and contact information for teachers.


Monday through Friday: In-person students need to be picked up by 3:35. They are at the front of the school by about 3:25 each day. Remote students will finish about 3 PM as listed in class schedules.


In-person students must follow student handbook uniform rules. Remote students must wear a uniform shirt or Sister Thea Sweatshirt.


Don’t forget to complete the application for free/reduced meals and return it as soon as possible. The deadline for the application is Tuesday, September 1.  This is required for all students, so we can continue to receive Federal $$.


All families must be enrolled in FACTS by Wed, Aug 26. Students will not be allowed in class if this is not done. For questions, contact the office or go to: https://online.factsmgt.com/signin/42LK1 .


There will be NO SCHOOL on Labor Day, Monday, Sep. 7.  School will resume on Tuesday, Sept. 8.


We received a generous donation of milk crates, and we bought some liners. In-school students will get theirs for school use, and for remote students, please come to the school to pick one up. We want students to keep all of their school supplies, books, Chromebook, etc in a crate to stay organized. Decorate the crates and send a picture to info@srthea.org , and you may win a prize!!!

ZOOM ETIQUETTE : Please review these important rules with your students!!!


Each Homeroom teacher will host an evening Office Hours weekly, so parents/guardians can ask questions, seek help, or just discuss information with the teacher. Please be sure to attend to keep communication open!



26 FACTS Tuition Registration Due


1 Free / Reduced Lunch Worksheet Due

7 Labor Day. No School

11 Mass 2:00 PM (Staff Leads); First Quarter Mid-Term

17 First Qtr Mid Terms Issued

18 Pinwheels for Peace Project; Mass 2:00 PM (Staff Leads)

25         Mass 2:00 PM (Staff Leads)

30         Iowa Assessment Begins


LIKE our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/theabowmanschool  or our web page at stbcs.com.

If our first line (618) 397-0316 is busy, try our second line (618) 397-4926!

Prayers of Peace and Health from Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School

Prayers of Peace and Health from Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School.

Over 130 K-8 students completed their school year like so many others doing remote learning from their homes with student packets and ZOOM sessions. They were not able to minister during their Spring Concert due to COVID restrictions, but they kept practicing.

From basements, bedrooms, and kitchen tables, they continued their Violin Classes via ZOOM, and Mr. Phil, their teacher, recorded their efforts to build a mini-concert video. This video is about the need to keep moving forward because “it ain’t over yet”. Our students offer us hope in their dedication to “move” through this time of challenges of COVID sickness and racial progress by doing what they do best: leading by their example of hard work to make themselves and their community better.

Enjoy the ‘perfect imperfections’ of these incredible young boys and girls as they play their best for you.

A Plan for Resurrection from His Holiness, Pope Francis

“A Plan for Resurrection”

“Un plan para resucitar”

A Reflection in the time of the Corona Virus Pandemic

His Holiness, Pope Francis

“Suddenly Jesus met them and greeted them, saying: ‘Rejoice’” (Mt 28:9). It is the first word of the Risen One after Mary Magdalene and the other Mary discovered the empty tomb and ran into the angel. The Lord meets them to transform their mourning into joy and to comfort them in the midst of affliction (cf. Jer 31:13).He is the Risen One who wants to resurrect the women to a new life and, with them, all of humanity. He wants us to begin to participate from now in the resurrected condition that awaits us.

An invitation to joy could seem like a provocation, and even like a bad joke in the face of the serious consequences we are suffering from COVID-19. Like the disciples at Emmaus, not a few could think of it as a gesture of ignorance or irresponsibility (cf. Lk 24:17-19).

Like the first disciples who went to the tomb, we lived surrounded by an atmosphere of pain and uncertainty that makes us wonder: “Who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance to the tomb?” (Mk 16:3). How can we deal with this situation that has completely overwhelmed us?

The impact of everything that’s happening, the serious consequences that are already being reported and glimpsed, the pain and mourning for our loved ones disorient, distress and paralyze us.

It is the heaviness of the tombstone that imposes itself on the future and that threatens, with its realism, to bury all hope.  It is the heaviness of the anguish of the vulnerable people and elderly people who are going through quarantine in total solitude; it is the heaviness of families who can’t now put a plate of food on their tables; it is the heaviness of health personnel and public servants feeling exhausted and overwhelmed… that heaviness that seems to have the last word.

However, it is moving to highlight the attitude of the women of the Gospel.

Faced with doubts, suffering, perplexity in the face of the situation and even with fear of persecution and of everything that could happen to them, they were able to keep going and not be paralyzed by what was happening. Out of love for the Master, and with that typical, irreplaceable and blessed feminine genius, they were able to confront life as it came, cunningly circumventing obstacles to be close to their Lord.

Unlike many of the apostles who fled as prisoners of fear and insecurity – who denied the Lord and escaped (cf. Jn 18:25-27) – they [the women], without evading reality or ignoring what was happening, without fleeing or escaping…, they knew how to just be and to accompany.

Like the first women disciples, who, in the midst of darkness and grief, loaded their bags with perfumes and set out to anoint the buried Master (cf. Mk 16:1), we ourselves were able, at this time, to see many who sought to bring the anointing of co-responsibility to offer care and not put the lives of others at risk.

Unlike those who fled with the hope of saving themselves, we witnessed how neighbours and family members set out with effort and sacrifice to stay in their homes and thus curb the pandemic.

We were able to discover how many people who were already living and suffering the pandemic of exclusion and indifference continued to strive, to accompany each other and to sustain themselves so that this situation is (or was) less painful.

We saw the anointing spilled by doctors, nurses, supermarket shelf stackers, cleaners, carers, people who transport goods, agents of law and order, volunteers, priests, women religious, grandparents and educators and many others who were encouraged to give up everything they owned to contribute a little of healing, calm and soul to the situation.

And although the question remained the same: “Who will roll away the stone from the tomb?” (Mk 16:3), all of them did not stop giving what they felt they could give and had to give. And it was precisely there, in the midst of their cares and concerns, that the women disciples were surprised by an overwhelming announcement: “He is not here, he is risen”.

His anointing was not an anointing for death, but for life.  Their watching and accompanying the Lord, even in death and in the greatest despair, was not in vain, but allowed them to be anointed by the Resurrection: they were not alone, He was alive and preceded them on their way.

Only this overwhelming piece of news was able to break the cycle that prevented them from seeing that the stone had already been rolled away, and that the spilled perfume could overflow further than that which threatened them.

This is the source of our joy and hope, which transforms our actions: our anointings, dedication… our watching and accompanying in all possible ways at this time are not and will not be in vain; they are not a dedication to death.

Every time we take part in the Passion of the Lord, we accompany the passion of our brothers; living even our own passion, our ears will hear the novelty of the Resurrection: we are not alone, the Lord precedes us on our way, removing the stones that paralyze us.

This good news made those women retrace their steps to look for the apostles and the disciples who remained hidden so as to tell them: “Life torn off, destroyed, annihilated on the cross has awakened and pulses again”.

This is our hope, the hope that cannot be stolen, silenced or contaminated. All the life of service and love that you have given in this time will pulse again. It is enough to open a crack so that the anointing that the Lord wants to give us expands with unstoppable force and allows us to contemplate suffering reality with a renewing outlook.

And, like the women of the Gospel, we too are invited again and again to retrace our steps and allow ourselves to be transformed by this announcement: the Lord, with his newness, can always renew our life and that of our community (cf. Evangelii Gaudium),

2020 Mega Raffle Drawing! Winners

Watch our Mega Raffle Drawing! Congratulations to our winners!

Grand Prize $10,000 – Lauren (ticket #504)

Second Prize $1000 – Elizabeth (ticket #439)

Third Prize $500 – Dion (ticket #174)

Virtual Auction Thank You!

Dear Virtual Auction Attendees,


We hope you had fun participating in and enjoyed watching the auction.  Your support for our students was incredible!

The Mega Raffle, Gift Card Raffle and Attendance Prize Drawings will be held tomorrow, Tuesday, March 24 – we will notify the winners immediately following the drawings  – Good Luck!

Relative to pick-up and delivery of auction items –

Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School will abide by Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s issued – “stay-at-home” order for the state through Saturday, April 7. Similar restrictions will be instituted in Missouri this evening.

What this means is that we are unable to distribute items at this time, and we will hold all auction items until after the stay-at-home restrictions are lifted.

We understand that you may be disappointed that you are unable to receive your item(s) right away; however, the health and safety of our supporters, staff and families are our main priority.

We will keep you updated should we receive any new information. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If this poses any unforeseen issues, please let us know by responding to this email.

We will provide additional information on when and how we will distribute auction items as quickly as possible, (once the restrictions are lifted).

We have also heard from many of you that with the excitement of winning those last few auction items, you were unable to choose one of the “Each One Teach One – Fund-A-Need”levels. If you were still planning to give, please go to our website www.stbcs.com  and choose “Donate Now”.

Thank you for all of your continued support in these difficult times.

Please stay safe – We look forward to seeing you soon!

Abundant blessings,

The Benefit Dinner Committee and Staff


Enjoy watching the video!