Weekly Newsletter – December 2, 2021

“The loveliest image of Advent is pregnancy. We keep Advent in the company of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  During Advent, we remember her expectation, when she waited for the birth of her child. Through the message of the archangel Gabriel, she heard God’s word and kept it.  She as filled with the Holy Spirit, and in her body the body of Christ came to be.

Waiting for the birth of a child is a bit like waiting for Christmas.  During pregnancy, there’s a strange and wonderful mix of happiness and nervousness, of contentment and fear. Those are good words to describe Advent”

School Year, Church Year

Some important dates:

  • Monday, December 6…………………12:30 Dismissal
  • Wednesday, December 8………………Donuts with Dads

For Your Information:

  1. Tomorrow (December 3) is our November Peacemaker Day. All students who will be celebrating in our Peacemaker activities will be having a dress down day. Remember that our uniform tops still need to be worn, but Peacemaker students may dress in jeans (no holes).
  2. A friendly reminder that all students need to have masks when they are in the school building. New masks cost $.50. Please note this is not for punishment. First, it is a safety measure so that our COVID numbers continue to stay low. Second, we are running out of masks, and will need to continue to purchase more.
  3. Please see the additional sheet about our Annual Advent Prayer Service which will be held on Tuesday, December 21 at 7:00 PM.   Please note that ALL students (boys and girls) will be required to wear a white, button-down dress shirt, black pants and dress shoes (no heels). More information will be coming in the next few weeks, but we ask that you put that on your calendar. Thanks!

Our Advent Prayer Service is an annual event, but our students have not ministered for the past few years (due to COVID). This is an integral part of our  faith-based education and one that our students have been preparing for many weeks.

Thursday Envelope

Families of Sister Thea Bowman:

Due to us only having classes for 2 days this week, we are sending our regular Thursday envelopes via this email.

A few things:

  • Wednesday, November 24 – 26………Thanksgiving Holiday; No School
  • Monday, December 6…………………12:30 Dismissal
  • Wednesday, December 8………………Donuts with Dad (Information below)
  • Tuesday, December 21……………….Advent Prayer Service (6:30 PM)
  1. Thank you for making our Reading Night a great success!  Thanks to all those who attended and to our staff who helped support the most important skill of all in school:   Reading!
  2. Mid-Term Progress reports will be going home with your student today.   Our intention was to send them last Friday, but there was a technical problem.  We thank you for your patience. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher.
  3. Mark your calendars and come join us for Donuts with Dad!  Students are invited to bring their dads/grandfathers/father-figures to our fun little breakfast on December 8th from 8:15 AM to 8:45 AM in the cafeteria!  (Please wear a mask!)
  4. Beginning on Monday, November 29, all students who do not come to school with a mask will be provided one from the office at $.50 per mask.   The reason for this is that we are simply running low on masks.   Thank you for your cooperation.
  5. Again, just a reminder to put on your calendars our Annual Advent Prayer Service which will be held on Tuesday, December 21 at 6:30 PM.   Please note that ALL students (boys and girls) will be required to wear a white, button-down dress shirt, black pants and dress shoes (no heels).  More information will be coming in the next few weeks, but we ask that you put that on your calendar.   Thanks!
  6. Watch your folder for our school letter and brochure for our Annual Fund Appeal. This time of year we reach out to our community to help us raise funds to operate our school; programs, curriculum and activities. We appreciate your support and prayers for a successful giving campaign. In addition to your support – you can help us by sending to your friends and family – just let us know – we can provide more letters, brochures and giving envelopes.

Thank you for helping to support your school.

We also know this is an extremely early announcement, but….

Sister Thea Bowman – Open House

Tuesday, February 1, 2022
4:30-6:30 p.m., 5:00 p.m. Welcome – Chapel

We invite you to share with your friends and family to help us   spread the great news about our school.  New families who attend with your referral – your name will be entered into a drawing to win $100.






Have a safe, enjoyable, and relaxing Thanksgiving holiday!

Weekly Newsletter – November 4, 2021

The Day of the Dead (Spanish: Día de Muertos or Día de los Muertos) is a holiday celebrated from 31st October through 2nd of November inclusive, though other days, such as 6th November, may be included depending on the locality.

Traditions connected with the holiday include honoring the deceased using calaveras and aztec marigold flowers known as cempazúchitl, building home altars called ofrendas, and visiting graves with these items as gifts for the deceased.  Above is a picture of the ofrenda that was completed by Ms. Maria Wood.  You can see brown crosses on the ofrenda, each with the name of a loved one that has passed away.  These crosses were placed there by Sister Thea Bowman students.

Some important dates:

  • Thursday, November 11……….No School (Veterans’ Day)
  • Friday, November 12………….No School
  • Monday, November 15………..Bobo’s Pizza Delivery (be ready for our students to bring home their food!)

For Your Information: 

Please note:  Next Friday, November 12, there will be NO SCHOOL.  (Along with November 11, Veterans’ Day).   4-Day Weekend next week!!

  1. In your envelopes are permission forms for our next Extended Day – Session 3.  Thanks to Kindergarten aide Ms. Crystal Taylor for her continued efforts with the program.  Please return these forms ASAP.  Session 3 will begin November 15.
  2. Thank you to all families for continuing to have our students here by 8:00 AM each morning to begin our morning prayer.   Beginning the day with the routine of prayer and reflection gives our students the opportunity to start their learning on a positive note.
  3. Reading Night is November 18.  Information is included in your Thursday Envelope.

“The liturgical ingathering that has taken place throughout the autumn reaches a crescendo.  Visuals in the classroom can mirror this crescendo as images of the saints and mementos of the dead are added to the autumn decor.

Reflecting the deepening darkness and increasing cold, the mood of November shifts from the brightness of All Saints to the more somber, wintry and mystical atmosphere of Advent.”

School Year, Church Year

Weekly Newsletter – October 28, 2021

Great job to our students on our Red Ribbon Week!  With different themes each day, students were asked to show their true colors and wear red to support saying “No” to drugs and alcohol.  Thank you to Kindergarten teacher Ms. Smith for organizing our week.  On Tuesday, all students were given a red bracelet to show support.

“To the Catholic way of thinking, Halloween is the eve of All Saints Day.  It is not October’s running theme.  Halloween isn’t even an actual day.  Instead, it’s a vigil, begun at nightfall.  Halloween is the ‘opening movement’ of the festival of All Saints. Describing Halloween not as a vigil but as a holiday in itself leads to some peculiar and foundationless thinking that gives Halloween too much weight. Halloween gets bent out of shape when we imagine it as a day or even a month that is separated from All Saints.”

*From the book School Year, Church Year.

Some important dates:

  • MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1…..12:30 Dismissal
  • Thursday, November 11……….No School (Veterans’ Day)
  • Friday, November 12………….No School
  • Monday, November 15………..Bobo’s Pizza Delivery (be ready for our students to bring home their food!)

For Your Information: 

Please note:  This coming Monday, November 1 is a 12:30 dismissal.  

  1. On Wednesday morning we celebrated the Living Rosary.   The Lord blessed us with beautiful weather for the activity.   Thank you to Sister Van Horn for organizing and Ms. King for marking up our parking lot so students knew where to stand, and Ms. Allen for taking photos.
  2. Thank you to all families for continuing to have our students here by 8:00 AM each morning to begin our morning prayer.   Beginning the day with the routine of prayer and reflection gives our students the opportunity to start their learning on a positive note.
  3. My apologies for some miscommunication that I sent out earlier this week in a text.   For Peacemaker Day, only students that have achieved Peacemaker status are allowed a “Dress Down Day”.  If you lose Peacemaker status, you are expected to come to school in your uniform.
  4. Being a Peacemaker is something that you are by repeatedly making the right choices, even when making those choices might be difficult. We understand students, through their growth and maturity, sometimes make the wrong decision.  Through their learning, students need to know that we need to have some type of restoration (consequence with reflection).  We do this through the Second Step Curriculum.  We do this so consequences are not just punitive, but allow students to actually learn from their mistakes.
  5. Trunk or Treat is being held tomorrow (Friday).  The weather will determine our course of action as to if we hold festivities inside or outside.  Thanks to the parents who indicated an interest in participating in the event.

*Reading Night will be held on Thursday, November 18.   Information will be soon available. 

*Thank you for all that donated to our Afghan Refugee Drive.

*Students, Parents/Guardians and STB Staff:  Don’t forget to sign up for Rev. Tracy’s God’s Reader’s Book Club.  Contact Rev. Tracy at revthwiggins@srthea.org or call 618.397.0316.

Weekly Newsletter – October 14, 2021

Another sign that school is slowly moving back to “Pre-Covid Normal”….PICTURE DAY for our students…a chance to show off those beautiful smiles!!!   Thank you for our students dressing appropriately.

October is a month of ingathering.  Migratory birds gather in moist flocks before departing.  Gnats form vapory clouds.  An old term for this time of year is “goose summer” because geese are in such evidence, hanging high overhead. 

Much of autumn evokes nostalgia, a lovely word that means “a desire for homecoming” (High schools and colleges have homecoming celebrations).  

*From the book School Year, Church Year.

As our evenings get longer and the need to begin spending more time indoors, please take these opportunities for continued reflection and prayer.  Sister Thea Bowman continues to provide a wonderful faith-based education for many reasons, and one of those reasons is for students to know God’s love and for us to extend that love to others.

Some important dates:

  • October 20, 21:   Report Card Conferences Conferences
    *(attendance at your student’s conference is mandatory.)
  • October 22: NO SCHOOL
  • October 25: NO SCHOOL (This is not on the original schedule)
  • October 28:  Living Rosary / Peacemaker Day
  • October 29:  Truck-or-Treat (information included in packet)

For Your Information:

  1. 1st Quarter Report Card Conferences, please make sure you are turning in your form for a conference time OR contacting the office (397-0316).  Remember that attendance at conferences is mandatory. Extended Session Students AND 6th, 7th, & 8th grade:  because of conferences on the evening of Wednesday, October 20, there will be no Extended Session nor Enrichment classes for Access.   
  2. FACTS SIS:  As phone numbers and contact information changes, please do not forget to make those changes in your FACTS Account.   Updated information is critical for communication between the school and home.   (This is especially true as we approach inclement weather season).  If you have any questions or are having difficulty updating information, please contact the office.
  3. Red Ribbon Week is the oldest and largest drug prevention program in the nation, reaching millions of young people each year.  This year’s event will take place October 26 – 29.  This event is an ideal way for people and communities to unite and take a visible stand against drugs.  An informational flyer is included in the Thursday Envelopes.
  4. Quick reminder that Reading Night will be held on Thursday, November 18.   Information will be soon available.
  5. Students, Parents/Guardians and STB Staff:  Don’t forget to sign up for Rev. Tracy’s God’s Reader’s Book Club.  Contact Rev. Tracy at revthwiggins@srthea.org or call 618.397.0316.

One of the central tenets of our Catholic faith is helping those that are less fortunate.  Remember to continue to support our National Junior Honor Society Afghan Refugee Drive.

“In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”

Acts 20:35

Weekly Newsletter – October 7, 2021

Each school year, STB conducts 3 or more fundraising events:

  1. Bobo’s Pizza
  2. Annual Fund Appeal
  3. Benefit Dinner

Each one of these events brings in financial support for our students and staff.   The first fundraiser each year is our Bobo’s Pizza Fundraiser. We have decided to extend the deadline for orders and money from October 10 to October 15. No funds or orders will be accepted after the 15th.

If we achieve $16,000 worth of sales in 1 week, Mr. Keefe will not only allow the students to duck tape him to the wall during a school day, but he will allow each student in the home room that raises the most money to throw a pie in his face.

We understand that the time frame for sales is a little shorter than in the past, so hopefully this will motivate the students to get out there and sell those pizzas!!

Some important dates:

  • October 8:  NO SCHOOL
  • October 11:  NO SCHOOL
  • October 13:  Picture Day
  • October 20, 21:   Report Card Conferences Conferences
    *(attendance at your student’s conference is mandatory.)
  • October 22: NO SCHOOL
  • October 25: NO SCHOOL (This is not on the original schedule)

For Your Information:

  1. Just a reminder that there is no school on Friday, October 8 and Monday, October 11. 
  2. Report Card Conferences information was supposed to go home last week but didn’t make it into our Thursday envelopes.  The information for conferences in the envelopes this week.  For 1st Quarter Report Card Conferences, please make sure you are contacting the office (397-0316) to set an appointment with your student’s teacher.   Remember that attendance at conferences is mandatory.
  3. Picture Day at Sister Thea Bowman is next Wednesday, October 13.   There is a picture form from LifeTouch included in the Thursday envelope.  Your school polo shirt is the expected clothing for the pictures.   (Color is up to you)
  4. Reading Night has been moved from Thursday, October 14 to Thursday November 18.
  5. Students, Parents/Guardians and STB Staff:  If you enjoy reading, sign-up and join the newly organized Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School God’s Reader’s Book Club. To confirm your membership contact Rev. Tracy at revthwiggins@srthea.org or call 618.397.0316.
  6. (For our 6, 7, 8th Graders). Recently, representatives from Althoff Catholic High School visited STB to discuss the fantastic education and wonderful learning activities at Althoff.  Althoff is also conducting an open house. (A flyer is included in your Thursday envelope).  If you and your child are thinking of attending, this will be a great opportunity to get any questions you may have answered.  (8th grade) Please begin scheduling shadow visits with 3 schools of your choice. Some students have already begun shadow visits.

Welcome New Principal, Mr. Tim Keefe

WE WELCOME Mr. Tim Keefe – New Principal
Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School

As we prepare for a new school year, we welcome our new principal.

We are excited to share this wonderful news. Tim Keefe has been in school administration for many years.

Mr. Keefe stated “I am very excited about this opportunity and to lead the faculty and staff at Sr. Thea Bowman Catholic School. I have met a few of the employees already and witnessed their care and dedication to the mission of the school. Together, I look forward to how we can support and guide the students academically and spiritually.”

Congratulations Class of 2021!

Congratulations to our Graduates!
This fall our graduates will attend:
Althoff Catholic High School, Rosati-Kain, Nerinx Hall, SIUE Charter and other area high schools
Our alumni also attend
Cardinal Ritter College Prep, Grand Center for the Arts and
Gibault Catholic High School
We are proud of all of our graduates!

Students and Experiences at Sister Thea Bowman

Inspire, Prepare, Empower

Graduates share how their experiences have shaped their lives and prepared them for their future…

“Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School has helped me learn what it means to be
a peacemaker. To be a peacemaker means to help others and be respectful to others with your actions and words. School has helped me grow in my faith and I thank Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School because they showed me what it means to be God’s follower… (AC)”


A Message from our Family:

“STBCS is more than a school, it is a family! Like a family, everyone was involved with Tamia’s learning experience. From the morning greeting to the school dismissal, the day was filled with scholastic and spiritual development. It is said that it takes a village to raise a child, and our family is happy to be part of that. She has grown in confidence and respect. STBCS is “One in a million” school. If you have a student K-8th grade – give them the opportunity to experience learning in the STBCS environment.”

A Message from our Student

Ms. Yannah will attend Althoff Catholic High School this fall. She received several academic awards and honors and the recipient of three scholarships.
Yannah shared, “I really liked religion class – because we can talk about God. ACCESS Academy provided a longer academic day, as well as drama, improv, dance and robotics club. Although not strong in math initially, I worked hard and learned – now I’m an A+ student and High Honor Roll. I will attend college and become an orthodontist.”

To learn more about sponsoring a child’s tuition
Please email Roberta: rtrost@srthea.org or call 618-397-0316.


Weekly Newsletter – June 11, 2021


We have made it through the second week of Summer Session, and students are still engaged. We are making up some lost ground, so we hope to start next year close to where we should have been without COVID. Let’s keep prayers going that reopening will not be reversed, and let us continue to pray for those impacted physically, mentally, and spiritually by COVID, and for those who still remain unemployed or under-employed.


These were all sent home today. If we missed your student’s report card in the rush, please contact the office!


Orders will be at the school on June 15 th with a BOBO’s truck here to serve our families at 11:30! Please come by to get your orders, and a huge thank you for your wonderful participation as we had about $5,000 in sales!


Current families need to enroll ASAP! We will only take 15, and wait-list the rest until we find out the numbers we can fit in a classroom next year. Don’t lose your spot!!!
We are online with registration. Go To STBCS.COM, click on FACTS and sign up for an account to reenroll. Our DISTRICT CODE is: STBCS-IL


JUST STARTED!!! Go to https://www.fcc.gov/broadbandbenefit and start your application! All families on Free/Reduced Lunch Program qualify…you just need to fill out the application!!! Don’t miss this
opportunity! Also, this program provides up to $100 towards a tablet, laptop, etc purchase!!!


If you have gently used uniform items that don’t fit, please wash them and send to the school for our loaner closet! If you are out at the thrift store and see a black or brown belt for a good price, think of us!!!

RECALL: Beech-Nut Nutrition Issues Voluntary Recall of Cereal Product

Beech-Nut Nutrition has issued a voluntary recall of one lot of Beech-Nut Stage 1, Single Grain Rice Cereal. The specific Beech-Nut Single Grain Rice item (UPC Code
#52200034705) being recalled has an expiration date of 01MAY2022 and product codes 103470XXXX and 093470XXXX. Consumers who may have purchased Beech-Nut Rice Cereal with
product codes 103470XXXX and 093470XXXX with expiration of 01MAY2022 should discard the product.
They can also go to www.beechnut.com/ricecereal, or call (866) 272-9417.


June 1-25 Summer Session
June 4 Report Cards completed
June 8 Report Cards go home
June 25 Early Dismissal at 12:00.

SEXUAL ABUSE HOTLINE: Anyone wishing to report an allegation of sexual misconduct by a priest or other
diocesan personnel please call the hotline: 800-640-3044.

LIKE our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/theabowmanschool
If our first line (618) 397-0316 is busy, try our second line (618) 397-4926!

Virtual Online Auction Begins March 10

Help us reach our tuition assistance goal of $100,000 by participating in our Virtual Online Auction featuring over 100 auction items! Win $10,000 in our Mega Raffle. Registered guests are automatically entered into our Attendance Prize drawing.


Fund A Need – Donor will match dollar for dollar up to $25,000
MEGA Raffle – $100 per ticket to win $10,000
Michael Kors Purse Raffle – 1 for $20, 3 for $50 
Gift Cards Raffle – Value $300 – 1 for $20, 3 for $50
Drawings will be held March 15 – winners will be notified!
Auction Items: Dinner for 8 with Bishop McGovern, Golfers Tee Time and so much more!

Thank you to all of our donors and Sponsors